Update 5/4/11


Lisa Montgomery’s conviction upheld

A federal appeals court panel today upheld Lisa Montgomery’s conviction in the 2004 slaying of Bobbie Jo Stinnett of Skidmore, Mo., and the kidnapping of Stinnett’s unborn child.A jury subsequently sentenced Montgomery, 43, to death. She is incarcerated at a medical center for women inmates in Fort Worth, Texas.The killing and the intense search for the baby sparked a global media sensation. Investigators recovered the child, Victoria Jo Stinnett, the day after the killing, taking her from Montgomery’s arms at her Melvern, Kan., home.At her trial in October 2007, Montgomery’s lawyers largely conceded that she had killed Stinnett, but they argued that a mental disorder left her incapable of understanding that what she had done was wrong.The appeals court found, however, that Montgomery had been properly charged with kidnapping resulting in death, and ruled that the trial judge had properly excluded defense scientific evidence because it was either not reliable or irrelevant.Montgomery’s lawyer, Frederick A. Duchardt Jr., said he intends to appeal the panel’s ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.“We’re saddened by the court’s decision and disagree with the legal conclusions they’ve reached,” Duchardt said.

Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/04/05/2777822/lisa-montgomerys-conviction-upheld.html##ixzz1Ih594stG




Note: This Page Rank in Google English 27/10/07 is in 8th Place for Lisa Montgomery from 1.8 Million Pages.



October 26, 2007




Video: Victim Mother & US Attorney Speaking After The Death Verdict



Jury: Lisa Montgomery should be executed


October 23, 2007




Video:Jury quickly finds Lisa Montgomery guilty in muder case




October 11, 2007


Digital Clues Led FBI to Slaying Suspect


By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH   The Associated Press    Thursday, October 11, 2007; 3:27 AM


KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Patsy Hughes felt sick when she learned a pregnant friend was killed and her baby was cut from her womb on the same day another friend claimed to have given birth under strange circumstances."Of course I was shocked," Hughes testified Wednesday in the federal trial of Lisa Montgomery. "Then I had a really uneasy feeling. My stomach was hurting."Prosecutors allege Montgomery, 39, had been faking a pregnancy for about nine months when she drove to Bobbie Jo Stinnett's home in Skidmore on Dec. 16., 2004, and strangled the 23-year-old dog breeder.Montgomery has pleaded not guilty, and her lawyers are pursuing an insanity defense.Hughes, of Ozark, Ala., shared an interest in dog breeding with Montgomery. Montgomery's 14-year-old daughter, Kayla Boman, was staying at Hughes' home to learn about dog breeding when Stinnett was killed.Hughes testified that Montgomery had sent her an e-mail on Dec. 13, 2004, saying one of the twins she was expecting had died, but that she planned to give birth to the other baby that week.Three days later, Kayla's brother called and said the baby had arrived. He said the family was going to pick up Montgomery at a Long John Silver's restaurant in Topeka, near the birthing center where she claimed she had delivered.Hughes said she eventually called northwest Missouri authorities to report her concerns.Around the same time, FBI agent Kurt Lipanovich was getting a crucial tip from another dog breeder.On the day before Stinnett was killed, someone identifying herself as Darlene Fischer had posted a message to the victim on an Internet rat terrier message board asking about buying one of Stinnett's puppies, Lipanovich testified.About an hour after the initial message was posted, Stinnett replied with a message telling Fischer she had e-mailed directions to her home.Authorities were searching for a Darlene Fischer when North Carolina dog breeder Dyanne Siktar called Lipanovich. Siktar said she had been reviewing the message board traffic and gave the agent the e-mail address Fischer had used in the exchange.The address, fischer4kids@hotmail.com, immediately struck Lipanovich as "strange.""The first thing I thought was, 'Hunting for kids,'" Lipanovich testified.Authorities culled another important clue from the message traffic, an 11-digit computer code called an IP address. With the baby still missing, there was a hurried search to track Fischer's IP address back to a dial-up connection at Montgomery's Melvern home. Authorities found the baby in Montgomery's arms.Lipanovich also testified Wednesday that a search of Montgomery's computer, cell phone and bank records further linked her to Stinnett's death. Those records show she bought gas at a station in Maryville, which is near Skidmore, the day before the killing.On the day of Stinnett's death, Montgomery borrowed one of her daughter's cell phones, Lipanovich said, and records show calls from the phone bounced off cell towers located progressively closer to Skidmore in the hours leading up to the killing.




2004 – 2005



Web Link & Digital Evidence In Fetus-Snatching Arrest



4Law 18/6/05

Forensics Work Helps Snare Arrest in Missouri Slaying

Read the 4Law Exclusive Document



FBI Criminal Complaint: US v. Lisa M. Montgomery



FBI Affidavit:US v. Lisa M. Montgomery




Bobbie Jo Stinnett was eight months pregnant when slain   . Submitted photo A pregnant Bobbie Jo Stinnett, 23, is pictured here at a United Kennel Club dog show on Nov. 14 in Norman, Okla. She was murdered a little over a month later, and the baby was stolen from her womb. Lisa Montgomery has apparently admitted to murdering Stinnett and cutting out the fetus – 4Law


4Law Digital Evidence in The Trial


The Killer Message Ask for the Victim Home - Saved


The Victim`s Message "Invites" the Killer - Saved




This booking photo released Monday, Dec.  20, 2004, by the Wyandotte County Sheriff's Department shows Lisa Montgomery




Dec. 23: The first photograph of the slain woman's baby, Victoria Jo Stinnett, has been released.

Baby Victoria Jo Stinnett sleeps peacefully yesterday, five days after she was ripped from the womb of her mom.




A photo gallery on Stinnett's own Web site - http://www.imageevent.com/happyhaven -   before the site was closed down - includes pictures labeled as being from an April 2004 dog show in Abilene, Kan. One of the photos shows seven people holding rat terriers: Stinnett at the right, with a purple ribbon, Lisa Montgomery second in the back to the left   holding the dog  . Both Montgomery and Stinnett, as well as Stinnett's husband, Zeb, at the right behind her holding the purple ribbon , and one of Montgomery's daughters Lisa's daughter, Kayla, is next to Lisa, are among the seven people in the picture. – 4Law