Virginia v. Cyber Criminals


Official Song: West Virginia Hills – Click the Flag


Cyber Gangster Jeremy Jaynes Gets 9 Years for Spamming




Jeremy Jaynes, left, leaves the Loudoun County Courthouse in Leesburg, Va., Friday, April 8, 2005, with his attorney David Oblon, right, after Jaynes' sentencing hearing. Jaynes, convicted in the nation's first felony case against illegal spamming, was sentenced to nine years in prison Friday for bombarding Internet users with millions of junk e-mails. The judge delayed the start of the prison term while the case is appealed. (AP Photo/Abigail Pheiffer)








First Charges In Virginia Anti-Spam Law - Virginia AG  Notice



Indictment - Virginia v. Jeremy Jaynes


Virginia Cyber Crime Unit














Jury Finds 2 Guilty of Felony Spam

Loudoun Convictions Are First in Nation


By Karin Brulliard

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 4, 2004; Page E01


Two North Carolina residents yesterday became the first people in the nation to be convicted on felony spamming charges after a Loudoun County jury found that they flooded tens of thousands of America Online e-mail accounts with unsolicited e-mail, prosecutors said.

Jeremy Jaynes, 30, and his sister Jessica DeGroot, 28, both of the Raleigh area, were found guilty of three felony charges each for using phony Internet addresses to send large volumes of e-mail ads through an AOL server in Loudoun.

The jury recommended that Jaynes spend nine years in prison and that DeGroot pay $7,500 in fines for violating Virginia's anti-spam law. A third defendant, Richard Rutkowski, 30, also of the Raleigh area, was acquitted of three felony counts.

Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore, whose office prosecuted the case, called the convictions a victory in the fight against spam, which, according to some experts, accounts for more than 70 percent of all e-mails and costs businesses $10 billion a year to filter or block.

"This is a major victory for Virginians and all Americans," Kilgore said. "Spam is a nuisance to millions of Americans, but it is also a major problem for businesses large and small because the thousands of unwanted e-mails create havoc as they attempt to conduct commerce."

Nicholas Graham, a spokesman for AOL, said the company hoped that yesterday's verdict would give other spammers pause.

During the trial, prosecutors depicted Jaynes as the leader of a spam operation run out of his home. Yesterday, David A. Oblon, Jaynes's lawyer, maintained that the state had not proved that Jaynes sent e-mails to people who did not ask for them.

"The jury found evidence that just wasn't there," Oblon said. "And the amount of the sentence is just jaw-dropping. People who commit robbery don't get nine years. This is not a crime of violence."

Experts said yesterday that the convictions could embolden and guide other prosecutors as they attempt to stop spammers, who have generally faced civil lawsuits brought by Internet service providers. But they said it will take many convictions and more sophisticated technology to stop spam.

"We only need a few thousand more cases like this and we'll have a real dent in the spam problem," said Ray Everett-Church, general counsel for the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email. "It's a terrific challenge and all indications are that for every spammer you take off the streets there's at least one if not more that come up to take their place."

During five days of testimony, prosecutors argued that the defendants used fake Internet addresses to send more than 10,000 spam e-mails to AOL subscribers on three days in July 2003 -- a volume that made the crime a felony. The ads, they said, pitched low-priced stock pickers, a software product and an offer to work from home as a "FedEx refund processor."

Prosecutors said investigators who searched Jaynes's home found computer disks containing millions of AOL e-mail addresses and computer equipment that had been used to attempt to send more than 50,000 e-mails to AOL subscribers.

DeGroot and Rutkowski supported and profited from the spamming business, prosecutors said. Sentencing for Jaynes and DeGroot has been set for Feb. 3.

Defense lawyers said the state's case was built on circumstantial evidence that did not prove the defendants worked together or that they sent unsolicited e-mails. Prosecutors did not ask any AOL customers to testify that they had received spam, the defense lawyers said.

When he was charged last December, Jaynes -- under the name Gaven Stubberfield -- was No. 8 on a list of the world's top 10 spammers, according to, an anti-spam tracking organization that published the list.








Neun Jahre Gefängnis für Spammer 04.11.2004, 10:33


Ein Gericht im US-Bundesstaat Virginia hat die vermutlich weltweit härteste Strafe gegen einen Spammer verhängt. Der Verurteilte wurde zu neun Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

Der Angeklagte, Jeremy Jaynes, wurde für schuldig befunden, Millionen und Abermillionen von Werbemails per Computer auf den Weg geschickt zu haben. Für dieses Tun hat sich der Mann allerdings den falschen Bundesstaat ausgesucht. In Virginia, durch das die Mails geroutet wurden, gab es schon vor Einführung des US-weit gültigen Anti-Spam-Gesetzes eine Verordnung, die das tägliche Versenden von Werbemails limitierte. Gleichzeitig verbot Virginia, Decknamen zu generieren, um so die Zahl der erlaubten Mails zu vervielfachen.
Nach Erkenntnissen von Anti-Spam-Organisation war Jeremy Jaynes in seinen Bestzeiten der achttaktivste Spammer weltweit. Im Vergleich zu dem neuen Gefängnisinsassen kam seine mit angeklagte Schwester glimpflich davon. Sie muss lediglich eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 7.500 US-Dollar zahlen.









A la cárcel por 'spammer'

Jueves, 04 de Noviembre de 2004

            MADRID.- Nueve años de cárcel es la condena que ha recibido un ciudadano de Carolina del Norte por ser el responsable del envío de cientos de miles de correos electrónicos no deseados. Se trata de la primera condena firme por envío de 'correo basura' o 'spam' en EEUU.

Según informa
CNet News, el hombre, llamado Jeremy Jaynes, infringió una ley estatal de Virginia, que limita el número de correos electrónicos que los anunciantes pueden enviar en un periodo de tiempo determinado.

También su hermana fue condenada, aunque al pago de una multa de 7.500 dólares.

Según The Spamhaus Project, Jaynes, que estaba siendo vigilado desde hace tiempo, estaba considerado uno de los ocho 'spammers' más activos del mundo cuando fue arrestado, en diciembre del año pasado. Usaba el alias de Gaven Stubberfield.

Durante el juicio quedó probado que Jaynes había mandado más de 100.000 mensajes en sólo 30 días, durante el mes de juolio de 2003.

Jaynes fue juzgado y condenado en Virginia y no en Carolina del Norte, que es donde reside, a petición de los tribunales de aquel estado, ya que los servidores a través de los cuales se enviaban los correos se encuentran en Virginia.

De hecho, casi el 50% del tráfico mundial de Internet pasa por Virginia, lugar donde se encuentran grandes compañías de la red como MCI y AOL, la unidad de Internet de Time Warner.








Un spammeur est condamné à 9 ans de prison


La justice de l’Etat de Virginie condamne un expéditeur de centaines de milliers de courriers électroniques non sollicités à une peine de 9 ans de prison. Le 05/11/2004 à 18:52


Entre réélection de "W" et législation anti-spam les Etats-Unis semblent adopter le tout répressif.

Le 4 novembre 2004, Jeremy JAYNES, un trentenaire habitant Raleigh en Caroline du Nord, a été condamné a passé 9 années en prison pour avoir expédié au cours de l’été 2003 des centaines de milliers de courriers électroniques non sollicités via des serveurs basés en Virginie.

Cette condamnation est "conforme" aux dispositions de la législation anti-spam de l’Etat de Virginie, a rappelé à la presse américaine Jerry KILGORE, Attorney General (

La législation de l’Etat limite le nombre d’e-mails commerciaux que les sociétés et agents marketing peuvent envoyer sur une période donnée, et interdit l’usage d’adresses électroniques tronquées.

Le condamné, en plus d’avoir dépassé les limites et utilisé de fausses adresses sources sous le nom de 'Gaven STUBBERFIELD', est considéré comme "le 8ème spammeur le plus prolifique au monde" par le Spamhaus Project (

Dans le cadre de cette affaire un des associés de Jeremy JAYNES a été acquitté. En revanche sa sœur, Jessica DEGROOT, a été condamnée à une amende de 7500 dollars pour avoir abusé du spam…



A photo provided by the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office, shows Jeremy Jaynes in Leesburg, Va., in October 2004. A Virginia judge sentenced Jaynes to nine years in prison Friday, April 8, 2005, in the nation's first felony prosecution for sending junk e-mail, though the sentence was postponed while the case is appealed. (AP Photo/Loudoun County Sheriff's office)








著者: Roy Mark  オリジナル版を読む プリンター用 記事を転送

バージニア州ラウドン郡巡回裁判所の陪審団は3日、スパム (迷惑メール) 送信者 Jeremy Jaynes 被告に対して、9年の拘禁刑という米国で初めての重罰評決を下した。同被告は、偽のルーティング情報を使って大量の商用 Eメールを送信した3件の罪で起訴されている。

4月に発効したバージニア州のスパム取り締まり法では、Eメールが同州を経由した場合、受信者が同州居住者でなくても、他州在住のスパム送信者を処罰できる。(ワシントン D.C. に隣接する) 同州には America Online (AOL) の本社や多数の連邦政府機関があり、世界中に行き交う Eメールの半数以上が同州を経由している。

裁判の証拠資料によると、被告の Jaynes (30) および妹の Jessica DeGroot (28) は、多様な Eメール詐欺行為を介して2400万ドル以上を荒稼ぎしたという。陪審団は、DeGroot 氏について拘禁刑を課さず、罰金7500ドルの刑を勧告した。3人目の被告 Richard Rutkowski (30) については、無罪の評決を下した。

担当判事の Thomas Horne 氏は、来年2月に正式判決を言い渡すことになっている。同判事は陪審団の勧告よりも軽い刑を言い渡すことができるが、刑を重くすることはできない。

昨年12月に当局が Jaynes 氏を逮捕した時、イギリスのスパム対策団体 Spamhaus は、同氏と DeGroot 氏を高速の T1 接続を使って「悪名高き『horsey porn』スパム」などの「ポルノ的スパムを送信し続けるグループ」として、スパマー名簿『Register of Known Spam Operations(ROKSO) に掲載していた。
