4Law – Basics


The Most Dangerous Website in Ukraine


March   7, 2005 -   Heorhy Gongadze was the   head of online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda (Ukrainian Truth) at www.pravda.com.ua. On September 16  , 2000 the 31-year-old journalist Georgy Gongadze, publisher of the Internet journal Ukrainska Prawda , left his office to go home. His wife and two young children waited for him in vain. He never came home. Gongadze had been active among various wealthy oligarchs and political parties before setting up the website in April 2000. The on - line journal concentrated on the exposure of cases of corruption within    the highest levels of the ruling elite.  Compromising documents about President Leonid Kuchma, among others, were published on the Internet so as to evade censorship. Gongadze wrote about alleged corruption in the Kuchma administration on his Internet news site and apparently infuriated the Kuchma administration with his reporting. In mid-November 2000, a headless male corpse was found near the capital Kiev. Acid had been poured over the remains of the body. On the basis of certain pieces of jewellery, friends recognised the body as that of Gongadze. But before his relatives could identify him, the corpse was brought to Kiev and remains under lock and key. Gongadze's mother offered to help pay for a DNA test to see if this was the body of her son, but the authorities keep finding new excuses to block any identification...the body is still locked in March 2005. Weeks after Gongadze's headless corpse was found near Kyiv in late 2000, recordings said to have been made by one of Kuchma's bodyguards -- Mykola Melnychenko -- were released to the public. The so-called "Melnychenko tapes" shocked many who heard them. Kuchma has always argued strenuously that the tapes were fakes. Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun on 2 March called on Kuchma's bodyguard Melnychenko, who has since been given refugee status in the United States, to return to Ukraine with the original tapes and recording equipment so that the investigation can be resumed. Piskun declared that charges filed against Melnychenko for unlawful eavesdropping on the head of state had been dropped. In the United States, Melnychenko hired a private audio-verification laboratory, Bek Tek, to analyze the segments of the recordings dealing with Gongadze. Bek Tek concluded that the recordings were authentic and had not been tampered with and that the voices were those of Kuchma and Kravchenko. The owner of Bek Tek, Bruce Koening, had been an FBI audio-verification expert for many years and his company had done similar verifications for the U.S. Supreme Court and numerous other organizations. Part of These transcriptions -- known as "episodes" -- were published on the Internet by the end of 2000. Currently, they can be found at http:/www.brama.com/survey/messages/4163.html .

The translations presented below are abbreviated and somewhat revised versions of the translations made by KPNews.com, which are currently available at http://www.totse.com/en/politics/police/kpnewscomsengl178978.html. The words "blya" and "blyad" are not translated, since they are here used not in their original meaning ("whore") but primarily for adding an emotional tincture to the speech. (Jan Maksymiuk).
 Journalists Publish Gongadze Documents On Line  in July 2004 - Investigation obstructed and sabotaged at the highest level. In March 4 , 2005 - Ukraine's former interior minister, a man suspected of involvement in the abduction and murder of the prominent on - line journalist in 2000, died in the morning in a cottage outside the country's capital, Kiev, in what officials called a suicide. Yuri F. Kravchenko , who as interior minister ordered his agents to trail the journalist, Georgy Gongadze, shot himself in the head only hours before he was supposed to meet with prosecutors to be questioned for the first time in the case , the officials said. Later reports said he suffered two gunshot wounds.
Ex-Ukrainian interior minister Yuri Kravchenko in the note he wrote before his death named certain people linked with the murder of Gongadze, Ukrainian Security Service new chief Alexander Turchinov said in an interview with the Ukraine television .

The terrible murder case with the documents concern the Investigation  sabotage as well as videos include one rare – here , Georgy Gongadze attacks in Ukraine TV program President Leonid Kuchma. Mr. Yushchenko and the country's prosecutor general, Svyatoslav M. Piskun, announced earlier this week that the authorities had arrested three security officers, a general and two colonels who worked for the Interior Ministry under Mr. Kravchenko. An international arrest warrant was issued for a fourth man, Interior Ministry General Oleksiy Pukach, after he fled the country, officials said.On Tuesday Mr. Yushchenko accused Mr. Kuchma's government of "sheltering Gongadze's killers." Gongadze’s body has remained in a Kiev mortuary for the past 4 1/2years, and Yushchenko said this week that it was now time to bury him...



Georgy Gongadze attacks in Ukraine TV program President Leonid Kuchma...


March 5,   2005

Kravchenko’s suicide note has been shown. He blames Kuchma   -   5.03.2005

The article by Ukrayinska Pravda

translated by Eugene Ivantsov , 5.03.2005, 15:13

The mystery of Kravchenko’s suicide note was told by the Minister of Internal Affairs Juriy Lutsenko. During the meeting of Yushchenko’s Party "National Union “Our Ukraine” he presented the contents of the the contents of the note of the main witness in Gongadze case. ”My dear. I’m innocent. I'm sorry. I've become the victim in political intrigues of president Kuchma and his circle. I’m leaving with a light heart. Farewell!” Lutsenko told this note had been found during the corpse examination.

Оприлюднено передсмертну записку Кравченка. Він звинувачує Кучму - 5.03.2005

www.ПРАВДА.com.ua , 5.03.2005, 13:56

Таємницю передсмертної записки Юрія Кравченка розкрив міністр внутрішніх справ Юрій Луценко. Під час роботи з'їзду партії Ющенка "Народний союз Наша Україна" Луценко повідомив журналістам зміст прощального послання головного свідка у справі Гонгадзе: "Мои дорогие, я не виновен ни в чем. Простите меня. Я стал жертвой политических интриг президента Кучмы и его окружения. Ухожу от вас с чистой совестью. Прощайте".Луценко сказав, що ця записка була знайдена "при огляді трупу". Міністр також повідомив, що на тілі Кравченка було виявлено "два навскрізних вогнестрільних поранення".

Videos Streaming March   4, 2005 – Yuri Kravchenko Suicide  -  Юрий Кравченко


Ukraine 1+1 Channel & Kravchenko & Kuchma


Russia 2th Channel & Kravchenko  & The Suicide House


Russia 1th Channel – Regular Report



Heorhy Gongadze   - Георгія Гонгадзе



Heorhy Gongadze, Георгія Гонгадзе head of online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda (Ukrainian Truth) at www.pravda.com.ua, whose whereabouts are unaccounted for since 16-Sep-2000.

The death of Georgy Gongadze—Ukrainian state implicated in journalist's murder


Sites & Documents on the Internet Publisher Murder


Journalists Publish Gongadze Documents On Line   in July 2004


Investigation obstructed and sabotaged at the highest level


Site:  http://www.delogongadze.org/


Site: http://www.gongadze.org/