4Law Notice 8/14/06 :Updates only per case
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- Israeli Military Censorship Orders August 14, 2006
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Background - Israel e Hezbollah travam guerra psicológica - ARABIC Version |
Hackare, gift och mobiler nya vapen i kriget .Psykkriget i Mellanöstern förs med modern it-teknik.Hackade tv-sändningar och automatiska telefonsamtal som häcklar Hizbollah. Så ser psyk-kriget i Mellanöstern ut.Israel anklagas nu för att ringa upp libaneser mitt i natten - och för att skicka förgiftade brev.( aftonbladet.se ) |
Both Sides in Battle for Hearts and Minds Israel and Hezbollah seek psychological advantage with every weapon available, including hijacking television broadcasts. By Kim Murphy, Times Staff Writer - August 3, 2006 BEIRUT — Viewers of Hezbollah's Al Manar television may have been surprised this week to see the image of a dead guerrilla flash on their screens. "This is the corpse of one of the members of Hezbollah's special forces," the accompanying text said."Hassan Nasrallah lies," it continued, referring to Hezbollah's leader. "We're not the ones who are hiding the real numbers of our dead."With that, Israel returned Al Manar viewers to their regular programming.Not to be outdone by Israeli propagandists, Al Manar newscasters Wednesday night broadcast lists of Israeli "lies" about how many Lebanese fighters had been killed, how many Hezbollah rockets had been seized and which Lebanese villages had been captured. They also aired an image of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert bearing a Hitler-like mustache.In a war whose casualties, terrain and objectives are increasingly unclear, the conflict in Lebanon has moved inevitably into a battle of nerves, with Israel and Hezbollah each seeking psychological advantage with every weapon available, including surreptitious television broadcasts, text messages and voice recordings.The telephone calls start as early as 5:30 a.m., waking their Lebanese targets from a sound sleep. "We don't want to harm you," a recorded voice says. "We're bombing the infrastructure so Hezbollah will have no means of firing its rockets.""We know you wanted to hit Israel," said another anonymous message that Beirut resident Tilda abu Rizk got the other day. "But you have confronted a house made of steel. This is the Israel Defense Forces."During three recent TV broadcasts, Israel has hacked into Hezbollah's Al Manar channel. Israel has also broadcast radio messages over Lebanese airwaves, with one warning that "Hassan sent men to fight the Israeli army, an army of steel, without preparing them. Stop listening to patriotic chants for a moment, think about it and come back to Earth."Hezbollah has struck back, keeping Al Manar on the air from hidden locations despite repeated Israeli airstrikes. It broadcasts Israeli news reports of public uncertainty in Israel about the war."They do not want their people and our own people to see the magnitude of the human, material and moral losses they suffered in this war," Nasrallah, the Shiite Muslim cleric who heads Hezbollah, said in a broadcast Saturday. "This is part of the psychological warfare employed by the enemy. These are facts that the enemy cannot hide from its people or from us or from the entire world for a long time."Psychological operations are a key part of any war, but they are crucial in this conflict, where success hinges on whether Hezbollah is seen by the Lebanese public as a savior or a liability.Israel's punishing air campaign has been aimed not only at eroding Hezbollah's military capability, many analysts say, but also at convincing the Lebanese public that support for the militia's attacks against Israel is misdirected and far too costly.Hezbollah aims to show the world that it has the resilience and public backing needed to survive in a battle with one of the best-equipped armed forces in the world.In one of his boldest moves, Nasrallah appeared on Al Manar after a massive Israeli airstrike on his living quarters and offices. "The surprises I promised you will start now," he said in a live broadcast. "The Israeli war vessels that inflicted damage on our infrastructure … will burn and sink in front of you."Within minutes, an Israeli warship off the Lebanese coast was struck by a missile."Psychological warfare has been going on since day one," said Charles Harb, a professor of social and behavioral sciences at the American University of Beirut. "All of the pressure for the U.N. to leave the country, the rush that was happening in terms of evacuation from south Lebanon, this is all a part of psychological warfare."Israelis have been calling, leaving messages. 'This is the state of Israel. Hezbollah is your enemy. If you stay away from Hezbollah people, you will be safe.' "The friendly sounding phone calls and text messages, Harb said, are a classic psychological ploy.The aim is to make it look as if Hezbollah, and Shiite Muslim refugees in general, is an "out group," he said, while making recipients of the phone calls feel that they are part of the "in group" allied with the government against them.The hitch, he said, is that the rising number of civilian casualties, and especially the attack in Qana, Lebanon, that left dozens dead, many of them children, had the opposite effect, leaving a large number of Lebanese feeling like the "out group."Israeli psychologist Irwin Mansdorf, writing this week in the Jerusalem Post, said Hezbollah had engaged in psychological warfare of its own by firing small rockets into Israel whose aim is in large part to undermine public support for the conflict.But the calculation has been off the mark, he said."Israelis, having endured some very intense years of home-front violence, seem no longer to be the same people that shook and cowed in fear at Saddam's Scuds in 1991," Mansdorf wrote. "Israelis appear to have been inoculated against the fear of terror, and have developed psychological antibodies to repel the emotional impact of Hezbollah's missiles."Ibrahim Farhat, public relations director at Al Manar, said the Israelis had succeeded in creating static and other signal interruptions "at least 10 times" on TV broadcasts since the start of the war and had managed to broadcast their own images for a few minutes on three occasions.The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that the Israel Defense Forces had confirmed that the hacking was the work of the army's intelligence corps. It said the surprise images were aired only in Lebanon and not on Al Manar's satellite broadcasts.Al Manar weighed in Wednesday with shots of the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and images of President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, as well as Olmert with the offensive mustache."Oh, coward," intones a deep, slow and thunderous voice, "you will never protect the settlements."Times special correspondent Maha al-Azar in Beirut contributed to this report. ( LA Times ) |
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Tacking account that the Israeli Army Spokesman is traditional part of the Disinformation Machine |
Lebanon Leaflets - Libanon Flugblättern - Pluie de tracts d'Israël sur le Liban |
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Unerwünschte Post aus der Luft: Zwei Libanesen sammeln etliche Flugblätter ein, die Israel über dem Libanon abgeworfen hatte REUTERS 12/8/06 |
![]() AP TV: Leaflets Dropped Again Over Tyre Today - Streaming - 9/8/06 - ![]() |
IDF Publishes Names of Killed Terrorists
in Lebanese Media - Sunday 13/08/2006 19:36
The IDF has been distributing leaflets across Lebanon containing names of killed Hezbollah terrorists. The list includes names of 180 terrorists that have been identified with certainty by the forces. IDF withholds many more names of killed terrorists.In the last days the IDF has been broadcasting the list of names in the "Nur" radio station, the Hezbollah organization radio station, and in "Al Manar", the organization's television station, by taking over all broadcasting channels. According to IDF evaluation, over 530 terrorists have been killed so far.(IDF News) |
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Translation of Leaflet dropped on Beirut in
August 3, 2006 Evening - Under the translation the Arabic flyer.
To Beirut Residents Due to the continued launching of wild firing rockets by the terrorist Hizbollah gang to the state of Israel, and following the gang leader declarations , that continue to gamble on Lebanon`s future - IDF intends to widen his activities in Beirut. Rresidents of Haret Hreik, Beer al-Abed, Hay Madi and Alweis For your own safety! You must leave those suburbs immediately, and any place in which are the Hizbollah elements or their aid, and these place they operate terror activities. Attention! The expansion of terrorist operations by Hezbollah
will lead to a painful and harsh response and the results will be painful
not only for Hassan's gang and its criminals.
State of Israel
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Israeli Army Notice - IDF News Friday 28/07/2006 14:22
IDF issues warning to residents of southern Lebanese to vacate their homes and move northward Due to the continuation of terror activities vehicle traveling in this area after 10:00 a.m. and any person who chooses not follow this warning is putting his and his family's on of terror activity against Israel emanating from southern Lebanon, including the launching of rockets into Israeli territory, the IDF has called upon the Lebanese population in the areas south of the communities listed below to vacate buildings by10:00 a.m. today and move northward. The warnings were issued through local sources and Arabic language media.Any vsafety at risk.The line of communities is compromised of the following: from Qlaile in the west, through Siddiqine, Sultaniye, Majdel Silim and up to a point west of the village of Houla, near the Israeli-Lebanese border. This warning was issued in addition to previous warnings, calling for the Lebanese civilian population south to the Litani River to move northward. The objective of these warning is to minimize the risk to civilians in southern Lebanon, an area used by Hezbollah terrorists who exploit the local population as human shields.The IDF's operations are directed solely at the terrorists, and not against the civilian population. |
4Law July 21 , 2006.This evening 2 kinds of Leaflets dropped in Lebanon.This
flyer and the second above (with the site
To South of Litani River Villages Residents Acorrding to terror activities made from
inside your villages and your homes against the state of Israel.
You have to leave immediately your villages for your safety State of Israel
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Israeli Army Notice - IDF News Wednesday 19/07/2006 10:35
Warnings Dropped to Protect Southern Lebanese Civilians Warning leaflets were airdropped this evening over the villages of Al Bazurya and Avasya in southern Lebanon to advise residents of coming IDF strikes on missile launch sites and cautioning that anyone near the sites is there at significant risk to his or her life.Likewise, the warnings advised that any vans or trucks moving south of Litani will be considered suspect in the transport of rockets and terror equipment and subject to attack by IDF. This decision results from the daily rocket attacks and terror activity in these areas against the State of Israel.Hezbollah terrorists have turned southern Lebanon into a war zone and are operating near population centers there, using civilians as human shields. Civilians in southern Lebanon are not considered enemies and IDF does not wish to harm them, but the attack operations in southern Lebanon will continue until the quiet and security of the State of Israel are reestablished. |
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Israel Drops Anti-Nasrallah Leaflets on
"A vous peuple libanais: attention, il apparaît comme un frère mais c'est un serpent" dit ce tract représentant le chef du Hezbollah comme un cobra. 4Law 15/7/06 - Israeli warplanes early Saturday
dropped leaflets on Beirut depicting Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
as a cobra threatening to strike out at the Lebanese capital.
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To The Lebanese Residents The Israeli army will increase its actions in Lebanon against the unrestrained continuing terrorist actions of Hizbullah to defend the citizens of the state of israel. For your own safety, wishing not to harm any civilians that are not
implicated, you are advised to stay away from the locations where Hizbollah
are present and acting against Israel.
Israeli Defense Forces calls the Lebanese residents and Lebanese army to refrain from aiding, directly or indirectly, elements of Hizbollah. Anyone who does will be putting his life in danger. Know, continuing terrorism against the state of Israel prevent your better future. State of Israel
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Hizbollah Psysop in Israeli Mass Media |
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12/9/06 - Terror Medal to Israeli Media
Hasan Nasrallah `Praised` The Israeli Media for "Justice to Hizbollah" during the war in Lebanon August/July 2006. "The Secretary-General launched a Hezbollah
sharp attack on some Lebanese political forces and the media for their
positions during the recent war on Lebanon. He said that the Israeli air
force had bombed and destroyed the country and the resistance miracles
while force was stabbed in the back by the party. He pointed out that the
rules of the party are not silent for fear of internal dissension. He wanted
to be filled with mock Israeli media did justice to Hezbollah over
these forces, which was a partner in the war with Israel. He revealed that
some of the personalities of these forces were related to the Israelis
to encourage them to continue the war"
Al Manar:Yediot Aharonot military correspondent reports from Beirut's southern suburb - arrives to Lebanon on Jordanian plane ( English Version - 4/9/06 ) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hizbollah PsyOps Operation over Past Dead Israeli POWS Killed in Lebanon Cells Israeli TV10 Updates in 6/9/06 - Notes
/ Streaming Video
5/9/06 - Notes / Streaming Videos / 1 Download
Pilot Talks 87& Kidnapping Soldiers in Lebanon Border 00 - 6.4
MB 5/9/06
Kidnapper & Killer Kuntar in Israeli Jail:Pilot Killed by Mistake
- Israeli Maariv
- 8/7/05 |
Israeli TV10 Reporter Wants a Scoop from Al Manar TV During The War in Lebanon - Flix Video |
Internet edition front page headlines of Israeli Maariv newspaper says (under left picture) Hizbollah:"IDf Troops Surrounded" in August 2 , 2006 ' 3 hours after IDF troops are back from the Baalbeck Raid & 2 hours after IDF press release on the Raid.Under the right picture tittle says:3 IDF troops killed in Lebanon activity - 2/8/06 0630 local time |
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Hizbollah Arabic Propaganda & Psysop |
Propaganda in Hizbollah Bunker in - End Program
- 2Report
- 3Report
- 22/8/06 - ![]() |
20/8/06 09:00 East Truth and Falsification - Video Flood of War in Lebanon
- Streaming
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NDR 20/8/06 09:00 East Truth and Falsification - Video Flood of War in Lebanon English - Streaming |
From Hitler and Jerusalem Islamic Mufty to Hizbollah and Iran
Arabic Propaganda
This news report from Bayerischer Rundfunk aired during Lebanon War July 27 , 2006 explains in detail the cooperation between the Nazis and the Muslim Arab leaders during WW2.How high ranking heads of the SS fled to the Arab world and carried on their activities under the protection of Arab leaders. How modern Islam leaders in Iran and Hizbollah has adopted the Nazi style propaganda inside the Arab world. The German topic on this program called Wie Radikale Moslems mit Hitler Paktierten. How Radical Muslims Made a Pact with Hitler. For the first time the program brings video of Hitler and the Islamic Jerusalem Mufty meeting. As well as Hizbollah TV and Hamas programs about the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. |
19/8/06 04:30 East Hitler & Mufty till Hizbollah & Iran Arabic
Propaganda - Streaming
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BR 19/8/06 04:30 East Hitler & Mufty till Hizbollah & Iran Arabic Propaganda English - Streaming |
Hizbollah Digital Intelligence War Room in South Lebanon Front in Mis A Jabel Village - 10/8/06 |
Video:Hizbollah Intelligence Command Room in South Lebanon Front - ![]() Pics: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4- ![]() |
4Law 25/8/06 09:00 East Hizbollah Arabic Booklet on Israeli Army Special Units - Video |
Israel Released Suspects of
Baalbek Raid - Not Nasrallah Family - TV2
- TV10
- 22/8/06 - ![]() |
Israelische Kommandos in Baalbek
- 2/8/06
Israel released pictures of operation in Baalbek - Streaming & 9MB - 2/8/06 - ![]() Israeli Army released pictures of operation in Baalbek - Streaming &1.8 MB - 2/8/06 - ![]() Israel dringt tiefer in den Libanon ein - Streaming - 2/8/06 - ![]() Le raid de Baalbeck filmé par Tsahal - Streaming - 2/8/06 - ![]() Aftermath of the Baalbeck raid - Streaming - 2/8/06 - ![]() Dar Al-Hikma Hospital Raid Interactive Graphic - New York Times - 2/8/06 Al
Jazeera Arabic - 2/8/06
The Spy Unit |
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Air Force |
11/8/06 Rocket Attack & Drone Killing the Bike Rider in his Home
9/8/06 Google Video
Israeli Navy Commandos Raid in Tyre & Drone Killing the Bike Rider - Photos - 5/8/06 - ![]() |
FOX Video:Israeli Pilot in IAF Base Streaming Videos CNN Video:Israeli Pilots in Mission Israeli TV2:F-15i Pilots on Beirut & Rockets in 20/7/06 Heb. |
Troops |
Troops in Marun A Ras inside South Lebanon/Streaming Video/Save as... IDF-
5.6 MB 29/7/06 Streaming Video Israeli NRGTV Tanks in War in Lebanon - 14/8/06 Israeli
TV2:Infantry Troops in Lebanon - 13/8/06
el Shaab Village Hizbollah Fighter - MSN
- TV10
- 20/8/06 -![]() |
Hizbollah Bunker Under UNIFIL Position - UNIFIL SPY? |
Bunker Found by Golani Brigade Under UN Position
- 6.9MB 28/8/06
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What did you do in the war, UNIFIL? You broadcast Israeli troop movements - UNIFIL PDF - 4/9/06 |
Bunker Found by Golani Brigade under UN Position Near the Border
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Hizbollah/Iran Bunkers Model |
IDF Forces Exposed Bunkers in Southern Lebanon 3/9/06 - Google Video |
SKY:Hizbollah Bunker Found by Golani Brigade under UN Position Near the Border 27/8/06 - 6.9 MB |
US |
US Official Notice 24/7/06 - must read |
Proposed Sale of JP-8 Aviation Jet Fuel for ..."Political Stability & Economic Progress in The Middle East" - PDF |
(CRS)Congress Report on Lebanon 24/7/06 |
Hizbullah TV: Hassan Nasrallah calls "Death to America!" in "Martyr's Day." - (11/11/01) Download |