Israel/Hizbollah Clashes  600 Videos  -  July/August 06 Killgame
Language:Hebrew , Arabic , English ,Italian , French , German , Spanish ,  Russian , Swedish,Japanese,Chainese,Korean.
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The Full List Videos Streaming/Part save as... -  Numbers without name generally Israeli TV`s .
4Law collected the videos from the Internet in any possible language available online .
No private videos / pictures.

4Law  Notice 14/8/06 :Updates only per case .
Pages will be saved for future use.
Zip   -  Israeli Military Censorship Orders  August 14, 2006
4Law 30/1/08 Update  - Streaming/Save as -  -
 Olmert Panel Fart Live in Youtube  30/1/08
The Israeli Internal Panel Makes His Promised Fart    
FOXTV 17/6/07 - Rockets Fired From Lebanon Fall on Northern Israel   - 
4Law 15/6/07 Update 
IDF OFEK Satellite Spy Unit Enlarge Window -
FOXTV Lebanon Inside:Fatah El Islam Clashes May/June 2007 -  1    -     2     -     3   - 
"Tuco: When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk" - Memorable quotes

100,000 Israelis Talking to Themself  in Anti-Olmert Demonstration in Tel Aviv 

TV`s:FOXTV -1/5/07FOX TV2  - Israeli TV2YnetV - 3/5/07

TEL AVIV, Israel, May 3 (Xinhua) -- More than 100,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square Thursday evening in a national protest, calling on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz to resign over the failures in the Second Lebanon War. A Xinhua correspondent saw a banner reading "Failures, Go Home!" was hung behind a podium that was set up at one end of the square in front of Tel Aviv city hall. The organizers told local Jerusalem Post that the organizing committee had set up a headquarters whose mission was to force Olmert to resign and that they "would not give up" until their mission was accomplished. 

The Israeli Governmental Internal Toilet Committee on Lebanon War 2006 - 30/4/07

An Israeli internal fart panel invents the wheel on the 2006 war.The bandits are not finished.The fart panel does not and can not say "go home".Its not Independent Inquiry Committee headed by the Supreme Court its just a fart club.The Fart Team Appointed by The Olmert Gang.

Fart TV`s:FOX - "Failures" in War  -  Fart in Hebrew  -  SVTZDF - Vesti - Al Jazeera  -  30/4/07
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert Waits for Internal Committee Fart Result (Lebanon War Inquiry Result) - 25/4/07 - Ehud Site

Al Jazeera TV :Israel Arab MP spied for Hizbullah  - 2 - AFPIsraeli Court  Protocol  - TV Spy Comics 1 & 2
Israeli TV2 7/2/07:Fire Clashes on The Border - Israel Army v. Lebanon Army
FOXTV 6/2/07:
Anti-Semitic cartoon from Iranian TV shows rabbi watching Nazi swastika grow into giant star of David
Israel  Army:  Boss Halutz Resigns - Letter 17/1/07 - FOXTV & Last Flight 31/1/07 Navy Ship  1/2/07
FOX TV 31/1/07 - Ashura with Hasan & Friends in Lebanon  &  Hizbollah`s Imad Mugniyah Comes Back
FOX 18/1/07- 'Smokescreen' Sneak Peek - Hizbollah cell in US - 23/1/07 - Hezbollah supporters paralyze Beirut
FOX TV 11/1/07 Lost & Found - The  World`s Most Dangerous Men  -   Hassan Nasrallah
Beirut Protester Killed in Brawl Is Hailed as Hezbollah 'Martyr' - Residents Brace for More Trouble as Protest Enters 7th Day - France24 TV 7/12/06 : Hasan Talks from His Cave  -  Arabic  -  English
FOX TV 4/12/06 : One Dead in Beirut Hizbollah Clashes   &  Hizbollah Massive Protests in Beirut
Hezbollah Security Chief   IMAD  MUGNIYAH in  2006 Google Video-

IMAD MUGNIYAH in FBI Most Wanted List:

4Law 21/11/06 Update  - Streaming - 
FOX & Al Manar  & Al Jazeera TV`s:Christian Leader Pierre Gemayel Assassinated in Lebanon   -  2
4Law 6/2/07
FOXTV :Anti-Semitic cartoon from Iranian TV shows rabbi watching Nazi swastika grow into giant star of David

Israel/Hizbollah Clashes Videos Library  (13/7/06  - 14/8/06 ) -

CNN RELIABLE SOURCES - Coverage of Mideast Conflict - Aired July 23, 2006 
KURTZ: All right. I want to go now to CNN's Nic Robertson, who joins us live from Beirut. 
NIC ROBERTSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT:  Hezbollah has a very, very sophisticated and slick media operations. They have a lot of power and influence. You don't get in there without their permission. They had control of the situation. This particular press officer came across his press office today. He pointed out business cards that he said were from his office that was a Hezbollah press office in that area. The only way we can get into those areas is with a Hezbollah escort. But again, if we didn't get all or we could not get access to those areas without Hezbollah compliance, they control those areas . (CNN)
SKY TV:Hizbollah Press Officers Operation in South Beirut - 6.4MB - 22/7/06 -

Hizbollah har sträng kontroll på journalisterna  -  22/7/06

English Tittle Translation:Hizbollah had severe control on journalist -  22/7/06

Hizbollah har sträng kontroll på journalisterna
Som en del av ett krig finns alltid propagandan. I de Hizbollah-kontrollerade områdena i södra Beirut kan journalister inte röra sig fritt utan Hizbollahs tillstånd. Pressen släpps in under hårt regisserad kontroll, rapporterar Rapports utsände. (SVT.SE)
Streaming Video  22/7/06  in  Southern Beirut  - Swedish TV on the last change   - Streaming 22/7/06 - 

Shaheed Foundation Club

Find the "the underground mullah"

Allah Wants Him & He Wants  Allah

Good Morning Lebanon - Angry ?

Want to Kill Nasrallah Now ? Money Guaranteed -  Click Here

Hasan Toy Shop Will Delete Your Country in The Next Round

Dead Man Talks
YTN TV :Hasan Victory Party in Beirut -  1.5 MB - 23/9/06 
FOX TV:Out of Hiding  - 4.2 MB -  22/9/06 - 

Reuters Crooks and Liars Inc. Reports

REUTERS   FAKE  PHOTOSHOP  IMAGES  FROM  LEBANON1- 2 - 3  - 4  - 5 - 6 - 7

CNN TV ON  REUTERS CROOKS  - Streaming   08/07/06 19:33 East -
YouTube on Reuters Faked Photos -
Israeli TV2 on Reuters Fake Photos -  12/8/06 -
German NDR TV Wahrheit & Fälschung Bilderflut vom Krieg  -  22/8/06 -

  Reuters Lebanon Fake Translated IDF Docs in Arabic

Reuters Report on Leaflet Dropped Over Beirut in August 3 , 2006   -  Saved Page

4Law Report in Arabic & English on Leaflet Dropped Over Beirut in August 3 , 2006

Last Minute Special Video Updates from The War/Selected Downloads 

IDF Forces Exposed Bunkers in Southern Lebanon 3/9/06 - Google Video
SKY:Hizbollah Bunker Found by Golani Brigade under UN Position Near the Border 27/8/06 - 6.9 MB
TV10:Hizbollah Bunker Found by Golani Brigade under UN Position Near the Border- Streaming 28/8/06
What did you do in the war, UNIFIL? You broadcast Israeli troop movements  -  UNIFIL PDF - 4/9/06
4Law 25/8/06  Hizbollah  Arabic Booklet on Israeli Army Special Units - Video
AlManar Site  - Back online proud  on Israeli Intelligence Booklet & Israeli Maariv`s Story - Arabic25/8/06
NDR 20/8/06 Truth and Falsification - Video Flood of War in Lebanon - Streaming
Wahrheit und Fälschung Bilderflut vom Krieg Video
Wahrheit & Fälschung Bilderflut vom Krieg Page
NDR 20/8/06  Truth and Falsification - Video Flood of War in Lebanon English - Streaming
BR  19/8/06  Hitler & Mufty till Hizbollah & Iran Arabic Propaganda - Streaming
The Mufty of Jerusalem  Accepted by Hitler - Video
Wie Radikale Moslems mit Hitler Paktierten 
BR  19/8/06 Hitler & Mufty till Hizbollah & Iran Arabic Propaganda English - Streaming
IDF/4LAW 18/8/06  Hizbollah Intelligence Command Room in South lebanon - Google Video
IAF/TV2 18/8/06 Israeli Air Force Digital Spy Mapping Unit in Lebanon - Google Video
IDF/TV2  18/8/06  Army Psychological Operations  – Lebanon Leaflets 2006 - Google Video
IDF/TV2 18/8/06  Israeli Army Spy Unit Hacks Hizbollah TV Program - Google Video
IDF/TV2  11/8/06  Golani Brigade Command Tracking Hizbollah Terorrists - Google Video
IAF 11/8/06 Rocket  Attack & Drone Killing the Bike Rider in his Home 9/8/06 Google Video
Basics on Hizballah:

CNN : The Crisis in Lebanon -  Lebanese Brigitte Gabriel on Real Hizbollah

Download- 5/8/06

2a.German TVRare :Hizbollah Former Spirtual  Leader the Mufty Meets Hitler - English.   - (17/7/06) 

2b.German TVRare :Hizbollah Former Spirtual  Leader the Mufty Meets Hitler - German.  - (17/7/06) 

3. Hizbollah TV: Hassan Nasrallah calls "Death to America!" in "Martyr's Day."

Download-  11/11/01

4.Iranian soldiers form a SWASTIKA together with the letters USA & Rockets &

Magen David , while marching in formation (Iran TV Program - 9 Min.)
Download   WMV 21 MB   &   MPG 94 MB   

5. Vídeo-clipe do Hizbollah  & líder do Hizbollah Hassan Nasrallah:"Morte à Israel!"   -  (26/7/06)

War Probe:Israeli  "Spinograd Committee" Starts the Jokework with IDF Intel. Boss - 4/10/06 - 
Reuters:Last Israeli Army Unit Left Lebanon - 1/10/06 -
___ Didn't Win - 11/9/06
Notes 9/9/06
ORT TV: Russian Foreign Minister arrived to Tel Aviv with a Patent Solution 1.9MB 9/9/06  -
Israeli TV2:Israeli Generals Clashes - 15/9/06  - 
RTR TV:Protest in Tel Aviv Center v. The Rulers of the Israel-  0.6MB 9/9/06  -

Israeli Merkava Tank in Lebanon 8/06 - BloggingBeirut.Com Photo
Al Jazeera TV:Israel Lifts  Air & Naval Blockade of Lebanon -  3.5MB 7/9/06  -

Hizbollah PsyOps Operation over Past Dead Israeli  POWS Killed  in Lebanon Cells

  Israeli TV10 Updates in 6/9/06 - Notes / Streaming Video

Part 2 of The Program   -   1  -   2   - 
TV10: Israeli Pilot POW Ron Arad Talks in Labanese Cell 1987 Before his Elimination  -  2  -  3  - 

5/9/06 - Notes / Streaming Videos / 1 Download
Part 1 of The Program   -   1   -    2    -   3   - 

TV10:Killed Pilot Talks 87& Kidnapping Soldiers in Lebanon Border 00 - 6.4 MB 5/9/06

Israeli TV10 Updates in  5/9/06  - 12  -  34  -  5   - 

Lebanese TV Translated in Israeli TV Networks Second Weekly Edition   -   1   -   2   -   3   -    4  - 

Lebanese Kidnapper & Killer  Kuntar in Israeli Jail:Pilot Killed by Mistake  - Israeli Maariv -  8/7/05 

5/9/06 - Notes

Hidrolik Hasan Nasrallah Speaks from his Bunker  with Lebanese A SSafir -  5/9/06 - Arabic

Israeli TV2 Program:The War - The Decision  by the Israeli Cabinet - 11 Min. / Heb. 1/9/06 - Streaming -

Streaming -  2/9/06  - 

 Repubblica TV: Primi soldati italiani sbarcano in Libano

Repubblica TV:Libano: arrivano gli elicotteri

Repubblica TV:Libano: i primi mezzi anfibi a Naqura

2/9/06 - Study

Vital Perspective : Saturday Morning Cartoons Illustrating Hezbollah's Victory Over Israel

TNS Survey:According to Public Opinion - Israeli Military Intervention in Lebanon Partially  Justified  - PDF

Israeli Air Force in Lebanon War August/July 2006 - Reports: HAARETZ / SUNDAY TIMES /AVIATIONWEEK

UN AIR TRAVEL - UN Boss Enjoys Holiday in Jerusalem King David Hotel  - 29/8/06 -  Streaming -

What did you do in the war, UNIFIL? You broadcast Israeli troop movements  -  UNIFIL PDF - 4/9/06
Isr.TV10:Hizbollah Bunker Found by Golani Brigade under UN Position Near the Border - 27/8/06 - Streaming -
SKYTV:Hizbollah Bunker Found by Golani Brigade Under UN Position - 6.9MB  28/8/06
IsraeliTV2:Lebanese Comedians on the War  - Heb.Translation  - 27/8/06 - 

Nasrallah in Fool The Media Operation
IsraeliTV2 - Nasrallah :War Mistake - Heb.Translation  - TV10 -   CNNTV  - ArabicPrint -  27/8/06 - 
NEWTV - Nasrallah: In the Bunker on The War in Lebanon  - 31.4MB 1.09 Hour  27/8/06 -
CNN: Israel misused cluster bombs?  - 26/8/06 -

 Political Clashes in Israel  - 22/8/06
ZDFTV :Soldaten kritisieren israelische Führung - Israeli TV2 - 22/8/06  - 

Background:The Israeli Regime has no Constitution - Based on the Germany 1933 political style. The Israeli regime consists of small interest groups coalition.The Olmert Kadima Party has only 30 seats in a Parliament of 120 members.The Labor Party has only 19 seats.Both with few members they hold the Israeli State in their pocket.In other words  - about 75% of the Israelis are against the Kadima Party & about 80% of the Israelis are against the LaborParty before the war.


Israel Released Suspects of Baalbek Raid - Not Nasrallah Family - TV2  - TV10 -  22/8/06

TV10:Iran Propaganda  in Hizbollah Bunker in Rajer Lebanon - End Program- 2Report  -  3Report  - 22/8/06 - 

Victory Loto:Hezbolá regala dinero a chorros para reconstruir las aldeas del Líbano sur- 19/8/06 - 

NYTimes:Israel Committed to Block Arms and Kill Nasrallah -  20/8/06
USA Today - Officials: U.S. blocked missiles to Hezbollah - USpy Unit - IDFSyriaBorderocket  - 18/8/06  - 

Un combattant du Hezbollah montre des douilles et un papier abandonnés par des soldats israéliens lors d'une opération commando à Boudaï, le 19 août 2 , 2006 -  AFP

Raid 19/8/06 : AP  -  TV2  -  AlJazeeraTV10
France2:Op'ration isra'lienne a l'est du  Liban -

Ayta A-Shab
TV2:Ita el Shaab Village Hizbollah Fighter   - MSN  - TV10 -  20/8/06  - 
JazeeraTV:Ita el Shaab Village Hizbollah Rocket Psition -  3.8MB  15/8/06
IDFTV:Interrogation of Hezbollah terrorist Hassin Ali Saliman -  4.6MB -   8/8/06 -
IDFTV:  Strike on Hezbollah targets in Ayta A-Shab   - 1.2MB  - 6/8/06  -
France2:Arriv'e d'un contingent franais au Liban - 19/8/06  - 

After The Ceasefire 2006 Edition -  15 - 18/8/06
JazeeraTV:Qana Funeral  with Hizballah Coffin in the Top  - 3.7MB  18/8/06
JazeeraTV:Baalbek this morning wake up with Nasrallah Gift  - 3.9MB  17/8/06
SkyTV: Troops on Move in 2 sides of Lebanon & Israel Border   - 5.4MB  17/8/06 -
South Beurut this morning wake up with Nasrallah Gift  - 17/8/06  - 
IsraeliTV2:After 24 Years Lebanese Troops Deploy to Lebanon South Border  - 17/8/06  -
APTV:Hizbollah Victims in Lebanon  - 17/8/06  - 
SkyTV: Explosives in the  Streets in 2 sides & No Quick Solution- 6.2MB  16/8/06
Jazeera TV:Interactions another arena after Israeli ceasefire - 4.7MB  14/8/06

Israeli Commission of Inquiry into the failures of the army in Lebanon- Arabic  - 2  - 17/8/06
AP: Ceasefire Arrived in Haifa Zoo - 15/8/06  - 
 Waffenstillstand wird halten  - Avi Primor Israels Ex Botschafter in Deutschland - 15/8/06  - 
TV2:UN Boss Anan Speaks on the Situation - 15/8/06 - English - 
TV2:LebanonIDFUNTroops Meeting close to the Ceasefire - 15/8/06 - Hebrew - 
Israeli military chief draws fire for selling shares after soldiers' kidnap

The chief of staff of Israel's military was under pressure yesterday after a disclosure that he sold about $30,000 of stocks within three hours of the Hizbollah border raid that triggered the Lebanon conflict.
Dan Halutz, head of the Israel Defence Force (IDF), was reported by the Israeli newspaper, Maariv(NRG), to have instructed his investment manager on 12 July to sell his personal portfolio, just as senior military and political figures were discussing the military response to the raid, in which two soldiers were abducted.There is no suggestion General Halutz did anything illegal and the newspaper quoted him responding to what he called the "malicious and tendentious" report that the sale could not be linked to the war. He said he had made the decision because of previous losses and added: "At the time I did not expect or think that there would be a war."
Haluz IDF Boss under fire by NRG & Politicians after the war in Israel2   -  3 -  / 15 - 16/8/06-  Hebrew

Israeli  Maariv (NRG)  shares story in  Arabic version2   -  3
Nahost: Unversöhnliche Töne aus Syrien  -  15/8/06
Syria President Asad Speech Tanscript on Hizbollah Victory - Arabic - TV2 -  15/8/06
SkyTV:BushBlamesHizbollah   - 11.7MB 5Min. 14/8/06 18:40 East

ZDFTV:Erste Truppen gehen - Flüchtlinge kehren zurück  - 14/8/06 

CBS:MovingHomeBack   - 5.4MB 14/8/06 

CNNTV:Bush on Defeated Hizbollah - 14/8/06 -

Diary:Hizbollah Attacks Civilian Villages,Kiddnaps Soldiers in Israel  till Today  -12/7- 4/8 - 
"Waffenruhe Montagmorgen, 7.00 Uhr" - 14/8/06
Både lättnad och misstro inför vapenvilan  - 13/8/06
Sky:Tomorrow The Real War Begins - 13/8/06
Rain of 200 Rockets Again only on Cities & Civilians  - 13/8/06

    U.N. Diplomats Agree on Lebanon Resolution

Resolution 1701  zum Libanon-Konflikt

Shabat Shalom with Russia TV in Lebanon  - Jew/Rus Soldiers Speaking - 5.4MB- 12/8/06 20:39 -
Liban: vaste offensive militaire isralienne - 12/8/06
AP Rice Appeal  - 11/8/06

8/11/06 13:00 East
Israeli TV2 Rockets on Haifa  - 11/8/06 -
AP:Tanks on the move  despite hold on offensive - 11/8/06
Israeli TV2: Paratroopers in Self Made Videotape in Lebanon -  Part 1  -  Part 2  -11/8/06

10/8/06 01:30 East

Israel suspends Lebanon offensive for talks

Israel will Bodenoffensive aussetzen

Aus Regierungskreisen hieß es, die Militäraktion solle für zwei bis drei Tage gestoppt werden, um der Diplomatie eine Chance zu geben - auch auf Druck der USA

Israel retrasa dos días su gran ofensiva sobre Líbano para que la ONU intente un alto el fuego

Nasrallah calls on the Arab citizens of Haifa for its departure - Arabic - 10/8/06

 Israel weitet  Offensive aus  - 9/8/06 -
AP  Leaflets Dropped Again Over Tyre Today - 9/8/06
One of  Hizbollah`s 3000  Rockets Landed in Israeli Cities Today- 1 - 9/8/06 -
One of  Hizbollah`s 3000  Rockets Landed in Israeli Cities Today - 2- 9/8/06 -
CNN TV  on Psyops  & Blogging in Beirut -   9/8/06

Libanon will Truppen in den Süden schicken
CNN:A secret IDF mission  -  & -  IDF Elite Unit -  8/8/06 -
Israeli PM talks  on 3000  Rockets Landed Eng.  - 8/8/06 -
IDFTV:Air Force interception of Hezbollah UAV  -  O.6MB - 8/8/06 -
IDFTV:Wreckage of Hezbollah UAV  - 1.4 MB -  8/8/06  -
Wer sind die Hisbollah-Kämpfer?  - 7/8/06
CBS:Last update on diplomacy from Texas  - 7/8/06
George Galloway Savages SKY NEWS - 6/8/06 - 
Le chef du Hezbollah défie Israël et menace d'attaquer Tel- Aviv - 5/8/06 -

The Chief of Hezbollah Defies Israel and Threat to Attack Tel Aviv if Beirut is Bombed Again

Israeli Reply: More Bombs on Beirut/Hizbollah Sites - 5/8/06
Israelische Kommandos in Tyrus  - 5/8/06
Israeli Navy Commandos released pictures of  raid in Tyre - 3.5 MB 5/8/06
Israeli Navy Commandos Raid in Tyre & Drone Killing The Bike Rider - Photos- 5/8/06
Israeli Navy Commandos Raid in Tyre   - 5/8/06 -
Israeli reserve women in the front of Lebanon  - 5/8/06
General Dan Haluz Boss of the IDF Speaks - Heb. 19 Min.   - 4/8/06 - 

200 Missiles Hit Israel as Battle Rages in Lebanon   - 2/8/06
CNN:Hezbollah rocket launcher near a mosque in Lebanon - 2/8/06 -

Israel Released Suspects of Baalbek Raid - Not Nasrallah Family -22/8/06
Israeli TV2/Relases of Baalbek Suspects  - TV10 - 22/8/06-

Israelische Kommandos in Baalbek  - 2/8/06
Israel released pictures of  operation in Baalbek - 9MB - 2/8/06 -
Israeli Army released pictures of  operation in Baalbek - 1.8 MB - 2/8/06 -
Israel dringt tiefer  in den Libanon ein -  2/8/06
Le raid de Baalbeck filmé par Tsahal  - 2/8/06-
Aftermath of the Baalbeck raid - 2/8/06

Dar Al-Hikma Hospital  Raid Interactive Graphic - 2/8/06

Al Jazeera Arabic - 2/8/06

July 31 , 2006 14:30 East - Breaking News Israeli TV2 Site

Israele: "La guerra non è finita"


Lebanese Site:Qana Death - Hizbollah Plan for Internal Issues

CNN: Rights group disputes Qana death toll - 2/8/06

Massacre à Cana, les négociations Liban - Israel reportées - 30/7/06

Site Libanês Culpa o Hizbullah Pelas Mortes em Qana  - 30/7/06

Massacre à Cana, les négociations Liban - Israel reportées- Saved Page 1/8/06

Village de Cana: Vidéo de Tsahal montrant des lances roquettes en action au millieu des habitations

Kfar Cana IDF in French Version / Streaming  / Polémique à Kfar Cana   30/7/06  - 
Carnage `pouvantable dans le village de Cana /Streaming  - 30/7/06  -
Kfar Qana a Day After Streaming31/7/06 -
Kfar Qana Rocket Base Eng. -  IDF Official Video   -  30/7/06  -
Kfar Qana Rocket Base -  FOX News Exclusive: IDF Video   -  30/7/06  - 
IDF Official Eng. : Hizbullah deploys Katyushas near Lebanese homes   -  1/8/06 -
 IDF Official Eng.: Hizbullah use of civilian shields  -  1/8/06 - 
   IDF Official Eng.: Hizbullah firing rockets from behind buildings1/8/06 -
Condoleezza Rice   - 16MB &  Part 2  12MB  2/8/06  -

Israeli Paratroopers(Battalion 101) Drawdown fron Bint Jbeil in Lebanon  -  1.3 MB 30/7/06   -

One by One with Tony Blair - 36MB & Part 2 8MB  29/7/06  -

 IDF - 5.6 MB 29/7/06
Israeli Troops Inside Marun A Ras in South Lebanon  -  5.6 MB 29/7/06   -

FOXTV:Border Bunker -  27/7/06 -

Hizbollah TV:Launch of Fajer Rocket to Naharia  Saved Page - 1   - 2    - 3   - 
Hizbollah Al Manar TV:Launch of Fajer Rocket to Naharia - Video Time  28/7/06 - 1.9MB 

Head of 100 KG TNT in Iranian Fejar 5 Rockets on Afula City  28/7/06

AIF Attack Fajer 5 Rocket Launcher Firing Afula City  - 1.6 MB 28/7/06

FOX:New Escalation  -  CNN:New Missle - EUNEWS: New Missle - 28/7/06 -

Hizbollah Al Manar TV:Nazi  Adolf Olmert the Israeli PM - Video Time  28/7/06-  0.9MB

IsraeliTV2:Northern District Police Bombs Team Reacts - 21/7/06 -

The Alleged Reasons for the War
TVDAROM/Kidnapping the IDF Soldier by Hamas in Gaza Border  -  25/6/06 -
ORTTV/Kidnapping the IDF Soldiers by Hizbollah in Lebanon Border  -  12/7/06 -

   TF1/Israel intensifie ses bombardements contre le Hezbollah à Beyrouth

VGTV/Her ødelegger Israel Beirut-flyplassen

EkstraBladet/Danskere fanget i Libanons krigshelvede

AirPort 1/CNN  -   2/CNNBeirut   -   3/FOX13706/6MBeirutAirPort   -   4/MSN

5/Canalsur1MB  - 6/NBCAirport   -  7/JazeeraAirport&ManarTV  - 8/IDFManarTV

Hizbollah Strike/Sefad13/7/06   - Air Raid  - 1/FOX8MBSefadRockets- 2/FOX

3/FOX  - 4/SVT  - 5/AlJazeera12/7/063.7MB  -   67/Jazeera13/7/06

8/Jazeera13/7/06    -  9/CBS  - 10/CBS     - 1112  - 13  -  14/Sky

15/CBS  - 16  -  17/Jazeera14/7/06   -  18  - 19   -  20   - 21/Jazeera14/7

KoreaTVKBS14&15/7/Nasrallah:We Are Ready ! You Get Long & Open Battle Now   - 2

22/Jazeera14/7   -  23/CNN14/7  - 24  - 25   - 26/CNN  -  27/CNN/15/7  -  28/MSNJP15/7/06

29/MSN16/7  -  30/FOX15/7  -  31/Jazeera16/7  -  32   - 33  - 34/IDFTV  - 35/IDFTV   -  36

37 - 38   -   39/CNN    -   40  -    41   -   42  -   43/FOX17/7- 44/CBS17/7

45/MSN17/7   46/MSN17/7- 47/FOX19/7   -  48  -    49    -  50

VGTV:Sidon - Israels militære angrep
IDF TV: Strike on Al Manar broadcasting station in Beirut - 0.7 MB -  16/7/06   -
IDF TV: Strike on targets in Beirut - 2.2 MB -  17/7/06   -
FOX TV: Inside Israeli Air Base - 7.2 MB -  20/7/06   -

51    - 52  -   53   -  54  - 55  -  56/FOX20/7AirBase  -  57/CBS  - 58/Sky  - 59/CNN/20/7AirBase

60/ZDF21/7   - 61SVT21/762/SVT  -  63/ORTRu22/7  -  64/ORT22/7   -  65/VetiRu

66   -   67  -   68/FOX22/7  -   69/FOX22/7   -  70/FOX22/7  -  71/FOX22/7 - 72/Sky

73/Channel4 - 74/Channel4  -  75/SVT   -  76   -  77  -  78   -  79   -  80 - 81/MSN23/7

82  -  83   -  84/FOX23/7   -   85/ORT24/7  - 86/Vesti   - 87/Canalsur22/7   -   88/Canalsur23/7

89/TeleMadrid  -  90/Canales21/7    -   91/Svt24/7   -   92/ZDF23/7  -  93/FOX23/7

94/MSN24/7   -  95/MSN22/796  -  97/MSN24/7Beirut98  -  99/Sky   - 100/Jazeera24/7

YNT TV : IDF Strikes Hizbollah  TV Communication Facilities  23/7/06 - 4.05 MB 
Hizbollah Al Manar TV:Launch of Fajer Rocket to Haifa - Video Time  24/7/06 - 1.9MB 

VGTV:Hizbollah ber om våpenhvile

101/CBS  - 102/FOX24/7   - 103/FOX24/7  -  104/CBS  -  105/IDFTV  -  106  -  107/CNN24/7

108/CNN24/7Cypros    - 109/CBS24/7    - 110/Canalsur24/7  -  111/Teletecinco24/7

112/FOX24/7troops   - 113/Sky   - 114   - 115/NBCHaifa25/7   -  116/NBC25/7lebanon

117/CNNTyre25/7  - 118/Vestiru   - 119/ORT25/7ru  -   120/CBS     -  121/CNN24/7front

122/CNNsyria24/7   - 123/MSN24/7 - 124/FOX24/7farha  - 125/Skybeirut  - 126 - 127

128/FOX25/7 - 129/FOX25/7Rabbi  - 130/FOX25/7 - 131/FOX25/7Lebanon

132/FOX25/7border  - 133/FOX25/7Haifa - 134  - 135 - 136/CNN25/7Syria

137/SVT25/7lebanon  - 138/Sky25/7bombs  - 138  -  139/CNN25/7

140/IDFTV  - 141  - 142   -  143/Sky144/FOX26/7145/FOX26/7

146/FOX26/7Tyre  - 147/ZDF26/7   - 148/SVT26/7   - 149/AP26/7   - 150   - 151/NBC26/7Tyre

152/Vetsi - 153/Canal26/7  - 154/Telecinco26/7lebanon - 155/Jazeera26/7   -   156/Repubblica

157/IDFTV   -   158/FOX26/7Troops -   159/FOX26/7Beirut    -   160/Sky  -  161/FOX27/7

162/FOX27/7Border   - 163/Sky27/7bombs  - 164/Sky    - 165/SVT27/7Libanon

166/Canal27/7Libanot  -  167Canal26/7orient  -  168/ZDF   -  169/France2baalbek

170/ZDF27/7  - 171 -   172/IDFTV  -  173/IDFTV  -  174/Jazeera27/7

175/Jazeera26/7   -  176/FOX27/7  - 177/SkyHiz   -   178/Sky

179/ORT27/7  - 180/ORT27/7   -  181/CBS182  -  183/Vesti

184/CBS27/7185/TBSjp  -  186/TBSjp   -  187 -   188/Repubblica   -  189/Repubblica

190/Sky  - 191/AP28/7   -  192/FOX28/7    - 193/CNN27/7Tyre    - 194    -  195

196  - 197    - 198/AP28/7  - 199/IDF    - 200/IDFTV

201/Sky202/ADF28/7 - 203/FOX28/7    - 204/FOX28/7Cemetary - 205/CBS28/7

206/ORT28/7  -  207/ORT28/7  - 208/NBC28/7  - 209/Canal28/7 -   210/Vestidownload

211/ORT29/7  -  212/CBS28/7  - 213/FOX29/7  -  214/Sky   -   215/TeleMadrid

216/France2Tyre   -  217/France2Libanrefugies  - 218/SVT

219'SVT- 220/FOX29/7rockets   -   221/FOX28/7nasrala  -  222/FOX28/7miller -   223

224/AP27/7lebanon  -  225/AP29/7Lebanon  -  226/AP29/7Israel -   227  -  228/FOX29/7Insideiran

229/Repubblica    -  230/Repubblica  -  231/MSN27/7fighting  - 232/IDFTV233/France3liban

234/CNN29/7lebnon    -  235/CNN29/7beirut  -  236/Canales28/7   -  237/Terra29/7  - 238/CBS

239/CBS29/7  -  240/CBS29/7  - 241/CBS28/7  - 242/SKYIDF- 243/IDFTV  - 244  - 245

246/CNN30/7Airstrike247/FOX30/7wilson   -  248  -  249/AP30/7Qana  -  250

251252/IDFTV  -  253/FOX30/7254/AP30/7Bush255/AP30/7Haifa   -  256/AP30/7Qana

257/ORT30/7  - 258/Vesti - 259/Sky  - 260/Sky261/Canal30/7Qana

262/ZDF30/7kana -   263/SVT30/7Libanon  - 264  -  265/FOX30/7  -  266/CNN30/7lebanon

267/AP31/7Rice  -   268/MSN31/7Syria  - 269/ZDF30/7Kairo  -  270/ZDF31/7topthema

271  -   272/France2cana  -  273/France2uno  - 274/Sky   -  275/FOX31/7border

276/FOX31/7lebanon   -  277/FOX31/7Israel  -  278/Repubblica  - 279/Repubblicana

280/ORT31/7   -  281/Vesti  -   282/ZDF31/7nahost   -  283/ZDF30/7kana

284  -  285286   -  287288  -  289290   -  291292  -  293294  -  294  -  295

296/Jazeera31/7  -  297/Jazeera1/8298/Jazeera1/8299/ORT31/7  -  300/CNN31/7Bintjbail

TF1/Les civils fuient le Liban-Sud

301AP1/8  -  302/FOX1/8lahoud303/ORT1/8  -  304/Sky  -  305/Canal1/8libano  -  306

307/ItalyTV    -   308/SVT1/8libanon  -  309/Jazeera1/8310  -  311  -  312

313/Sky  - 314/sky -   315/sky  -  316/FOX2/8israel  -  317/CNN2/8318/CNN2/8rockets

319/CNN2/8hospital   -   320  -  321 - 322/FOX1/8rice1323/FOX1/8rice2

324/FOX2/8border  - 325/FOX2/8Tyre  -  326/FOXupdate  - 327/FOX31/7oreiily  - 328

329    -  330  -  331  -  332/TV10Leafletsunit   -  333/TV10leafletsunit

334/TV2Raidbaalbek   - 35/TV2LeafletsUnit  - 336/Vesti   - 337/ZDF2/8   -  338/France2

339/SVT2/8Hizbollah   -  340/Canal2/8  -  341/Canal2/8

342/IDFTV   -   343/CNN2/8Idfmosq   -   344/CNN2/8IDFoutpost    -  345/CNN2/8fight

346/Sky2/8raid   -   347/APborder     -  348/APBaalbekraid349/Iranconf

50/AP3/8kiryatshmona  - 351/TV2nasrala   -  352/CNN3/8Baalbek

353/FOX3/8   -   354/Sky - 355/Sky3/8netanyahoo  - 356/CNN3/8Leaflets

357/CBS3/8  -  358/CBS3/8  -  359/CNN3/8beirut  -  360/CNN3/8israel

361/CNN362/NBC3/8beirut  - 363/Canal3/8moratinos   - 364/Telemadrid365/Telecinco

366/SVT3/8   -    367/IDFHizbollahPOWS   -  368/Sky4/8  -  369/sky4/8370/skybeirut

371/sy4/8IDF  -   372 a/TyreRaidReuters   -   373 b/TyreRaidReuters  -   374/FOX4/8

375c/Skyraid   -  376 d/Skyraid  -  377/IDFTV   -  378/IDFTVSyriaBorderocketstrucks

379/TF1assaut   -  380/Gabriel381/FOX2/8Almanar  -  382/Memrinasrala

383 e/CNN5/8Tyreraid    -    378/IDFTVSyriaBorderocketstrucks  -  384 f/FOX5/8Tyreraid

385/FOX4/8border  -  386/FOX5/8draft  -  387 g/IDFTyreraidstreaming

388/ynet IDFGirlsandbombs   -  389/Skyblair  -  390 h/ZDF5/8Tyreraid   -  391 i/ORT5/8Tyreraid

392/Vesti393/Canal5/8  - 394/ReutersITbeirut  - 395/SVT5/8  -  396/SVT3/8

397 j/TV10Search in Baalbek -  for Nasrallah Family Members - 398 k /Jazeera5/8Tyreraid

399 l/AP5/8TyreRaid  -  400/TV2IDFBoss

* a - n Files (without j) - Israeli Commandos  Operation in Tyre  4 - 5/8/06

SVT:Flyganfall mot både Bierut och Gaza

401/ORT5/8 -   402/ZDF5/8  -  403 m/TBSjp -   404/NBC5/8    -  405/IAFTroops &Rocketattack

406/Hadera  -  407 - 408/TanksGoodMorningLebanon    -  409n/CNN5/8Tyre

410/TV2KfarGiladiRockets  - 411/TV2Day26update  - 412/APrice  -  413/Sky

414/Sky6/8galloway  - 415/TV10kfargiladi -    416    -  417/CNN6/8Lebanon

418/CNN6/8israel  - 419/CNN6/8Hizbollacaptured - 420/NBC6/8

421    -  422 423/FOX6/8  -  424/FOX6/8  - 425/SVT6/8Libanon

426/ZDF6/8Israel   -    427  -  428/Canal6/8libano       -   429/ORT6/8

430     -  431/Cannel4israel     -  432/Sky   -   433     -  434/Canal7/8   -   435/Telecincohizbolla

436/Itsiniora    -    437/France3Hizdemofrance   -   438/AP7/8Beirut  -   439/6/SVT6/8Rapport

440/SVT7/8Israel    -     441/IDFUAV       -    442/APbeirutblast     -    443/France3haifabomba

444/SKy   -  445  -  446/CNN7/8smoke   -  447/IDFUAV2    -    448/CNN7/8Beirutstrike

449/Jazeera6/8    -  450/Jazeera6/8     -  451/ITN7/8sinioracry    -    452/ITN7/8bombs2sides

453/ZDF7/8Hisbollahcaptures    -  454/ZDF7/8    -  455/CBS456/CBS   -  457/CH7/8libann

458/CH7/8    -  459     -  460     - 461    -    462    -  463/FOX6/8hezbollah  -  464/CBS

465/Sky    -    466/Sky  -  467    -   468/IDFTVhack    -  469/TV2manrUAV  -   470/IsraelPMEng

471/TV2hizbollahcapture   - 472/AP8/8israel   - 473/AP8/8lebanon

474/France3nahariaarmeesudliban    -    475/ZDF8/8   -   476/ORT8/8   -   477/SVT7/8libanon

478/Canal8/8   -   479/CNN/8/8    -    480/CNN8/8Hizbollah  -  481/CNN7/8Hizbollah

482/CNN8/8idf    -    483/CNN8/8beirut  -  484    -     485   -  486    -  487/FOX9/8

488/Sky9/8  -  489/Jazeera9/8       -    490/ZDF9/8   -  491/TV10iranarmyhizbollah

492/TV10hebrewcommentnasrala    -    493 494  -  495  -  496/sky9/8

497/Sky9/8bombexpert  -  498/Sky     -    499/Vesti  -    500/ORT/10/8

Portrait d'anciens soldats de l'Arm`e du Liban

VGTV:Sør-Libanon blir en gravplass

VGTV:Kampene fortsetter

501   -   502/Jazeera10/8   -  503   -  504   -  505/ZDF10/8  -  506/TV2ItashaabPraratoopsselfvideo

507/TV2Haifarockets     - 508/CNN10/8northernIsrael   -  509   -  510  -  511/FOX10/8

Israel: Troops to expand offensive 11/8/06 13:00 East : 512/TV2 Offensive  - 513/TV2 UN Resolution  - Draft

514/AP Update   -  515/AP  - 516/TV2 IDF Hunters  - 517/CNN Arabs Flee Israel518/Sky

519/France2  -   520/ZDF   -  521/Canal  -  522/ORT  - 523/SVT  -  524/CNN - 525/CNN IsraelPolls

526/Jazeera  -  527/AP Rice Appeal  -  528/NBC UN  -  529/Sky Fighting not end

530/Sky Lebanon Army      -   531/Repubblica     -  532/Risoluzione      -  533/France2

534/ITN   -   535/Svt     -   536/Canal  -   537/ORT  -   538/Vesti    -  539/HizbollahIntel

540/Hizbollahspy  -  541/IDFBoss   -  542/Nasrallahnotsmiling  -  543/FakePhotos  - 544/IDFpilots

545/Bombercrew  -  546/FOX Report  -   547/Anan    -   548/LebaneseArmy    -  549/CNNConvoy

550/AProtest   -  551/ORTReport   -  552/ZDFHisbollah  -  553/Rocketvoice  -  554/RainRockets

555/Skylatest13/8  -    556/InfantryTroops in Lebanon      -    557/Skyfisk  -    558/SkyPreceasefire

559/SkyBarak   -   560/Sky Netanyahu1   -  561/Sky Netanyahu2  -  562/APupdate1380623:00

563/CNN Fightlastminute  -  564/ORTRus  -  565/ZDFLibanon   -  567/SVTLibanon

568/France2Tyr bombard`edimanche  -   569/Canalguerra  -  570/JazeeraBekaa

571/SkyBushBlamesHizbollah148061840   -  572/CNNTV:Bush on Defeated Hizbollah


After The Ceasefire 2006 Edition -  15/8/06  - 576/JazeeraHizbollahpost - 577/TV10Haluz Scandal

578TV2/HaluzScandal  -   579/LebanonIDFUNTroopsMeet  - 580/TV2Asad581/TV2Anan

582/APullout16/8   -  583/SVTLibanon16/8   -  584/France2LibanArme  -  585/Repubblicalibano16/8

586/ORT   - 587/CNNairpower  -  588/CNNrefugees   -    589/ZDFSyrien  -  590/ZDFIDFRaus

591/ZDFAviPrimor   -   592/APHaifaZoo  -   593/Canalrefugiados594/Canalibano

595/TV2Jewishospitaltehran - 596/TV2AIFRescue  - 597/JazeeraIsraelipolitics

598/SkyUNResolutionnofinish    -   599/APHizbollahVictims

600/IsraeliTV2LebanonArmyto the Border     -  601/ReutersBeirut17/8/06morning

602/SkyTroopsMove  -  603/JazeeraBaalbek   - Last: 08/17/06 07:30 East

END OF THIS EDITION August 17 , 2006

Israeli Popular Comic Program Eretz Nehedert (Wonderful Land) to be aired again in TV2 - 28/7/06

Pilot as New Army Chief /Dan Halutz - from  Ex "Eretz Nehederet " Team - RM - WMP

General Dan Haluz Boss of the IDF Speaks - Heb. 19 Min.   - 4/8/06

Israeli Magen David Adom - Blood Statistics (Israelis Killed & Wounded during this Killgame)

Israelis Against The War

Lebanese & Suspect Hizbollah Local  Blogs -   2   -   3   -   4  -  5

Lebanese Local Paper -  English War Diary

"Resisting" - front page of  Lebanese /Hizbollah Bint Jbeil Arabic Site - 26/7/06 Saved Page

Lebanon Army:"Some declarations held for the media serves the enemy" - 21/7/06 Saved Page

Games  -  23

Arabic Pro Lebanese Unknown - Propaganda

Lebanon TV`S Live News Streaming:Hizbollah - Hizbollah2 - Hizbollah3

Attack of HizbollahTV  - LBC/LebaneseChrist Section - FUTURE/LebaneseHaririTV

Hizbollah Alternative Sites in case of Attack on Al Manar Site :  -    -

IsraeliTV2:Lebanese Comedians on the War & Siniora Crying  - Heb.Translation- 29/8/06 

102FM    -  Radio Station in Tel Aviv Talks with Lebanon PM on the War -  8/8/06

Livni: Siniora must wipe away his tears and start acting

ISRAELI Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called Tuesday in her Knesset speech to the Prime Minister of Lebanon Fouad Siniora "to wipe away his tears and to start acting in order to create a better future for the citizens for whom he is crying." In a special discussion in which the families of the kidnapped soldiers participated, Livni related to Siniora's crying in front of the foreign ministers of the Arab world in Beirut Monday.  (Ynetnews 8/8/06 )

2 Comedians in Tel Aviv 102FM Talking directly with Siniora on his Crying  -
Al Manar TV Reporter Arrived in Tel Aviv   -  2- 10/8/06 -


Bint Jbail

A  tour of a cemetary in Israel where foreign fighters are buried - FOX TV Report

Bint Jbail  - 31/7/06  Aljazeera TV Report

Airstrikes damage Bint Jbeil  - 31/7/06 CNN TV Report

There is an old Arab saying: "if you go to sleep with dogs, don’t be surprised if you wake up with flees". The situation in Lebanon can be explained very well by using this analogy - The Lebanese went to sleep withdogs (Hezbollah) and woke up with flees (the damage and loss of life)Israel (the veterinary), is doing them a big favour and curing them of this condition, but the medicine (bombing) is very painful. Lebanese must be patient and take the medicine until they are completely cured and free to build their country at last.(Nasser/ Egypt/ What really happened -