Update 19/4/09
Compartilhamento de informações
na Internet
Scroll Down for updates to the relevant Country - 19/4/09 Update on Pirate Bay Style
- Sweden -
A Swedish court has ruled against the founders
of the Pirate Bay, a file-sharing Web site. The four men, on trial for
infringing on film and music copyrights and making the copyrighted works
available, were sentenced to jail and fined Friday.
Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter
Sunde, and Carl Lundstroem were sentenced to one year in prison and ordered
to pay compensation and damages totaling $3.6 million. A message on their
site before the judgment vowed that "the losing party will appeal." After
the verdict Friday, this message was posted on the Pirate Bay: So, the
dice courts judgment is here. It was lol to read and hear, crazy verdict.
But as in all good movies, the heroes lose in the beginning but have an
epic victory in the end anyhow. That's the only thing hollywood ever taught
us."The Pirate Bay was charged with making copyrighted materials available
to Internet users for free through BitTorrent. BMG, EMI, Sony (NYSE: SNE)
BMG, Universal, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Universal, and Warner
Bros. were among those accusing the Sweden-based peer-to-peer site and
its operators of copyright infringement. They sought more than $12 million
in revenue losses. The defendants caught a break from prosecutors in February,
when charges were reduced. Prosecutors acknowledged that the Pirate Bay
didn't copy or produce the copyrighted material, and pursued instead charges
that the site's operators were complicit in making the copyrighted works
The move was attributed to "largely technical
issue that changes nothing in terms of our compensation claims and has
no bearing whatsoever on the main case against the Pirate Bay," Peter Danowsky,
the lawyer representing the music companies in the case said at the time.
The Pirate Bay launched in 2003. (InformationWeek)
Swedish Pirate Bay Judgment by Judge Thomas Nordstrom in PDF 17/4/09
Pirate Bay Case Video - Swedish Judge Thomas Nordstrom Announce His Pirate Bay Judgment 17/4/09
4Law Alternativ Videos in Youtube on Pirate Bay Case
T. Nordstrom Announce Pirate Bay Verdict 17/4/09 Fällande dom i det
s.k. Pirate Bay-målet
Pirate Bay
Case Video The Four Defendants Convicted 17/4/09
On March 17, 2006, John G. Malcom, Executive Vice President and Director of Worldwide Anti-Piracy for the MPAA, addressed a letter to Swedish State Secretary Dan Eliasson. The letter articulates the MPAA’s frustration, specifically that little progress has been made to eliminate The Pirate Bay problem.
State Secretary Dan Eliasson responded to Mr. Malcom on April 10, 2006. He offered consolation by expressing some of the anti-piracy efforts the Swedish government has taken, but the underlining message remained constant. Swedish Ministries are forbidden to interfere with local police or persecution.Promised action and measures soon.
The Pirate Bay Police Raid in PRQ Web Hosting
4Law ThePirate
Bay is Back onLine - 1 Saved Page -
Saved Page
- (3/6/06)
Many readers have submitted news that The Pirate Bay is back online, operating for now as "The Police Bay." Writes one anonymous submitter: "Pirate Bay got new hardware, moved the servers abroad and used recent backups. So the only bad side-effect of this police raid is that hundreds of clients of the ISP PRQ still have not got their servers back from the police. When the police did the raid on Wednesday, they took Pirate Bay from Bankgirot's secure server room. Then they also took all the servers in PRQ colocation facility STH3, effectively disabling a lot of small companies. The connection between PRQ and TPB? - Same owners, nothing more, this is beginning to become a huge scandal in Sweden with coverage on TV and all newspapers 4 days in a row." - Slashdot
When police raided the company hosting file sharing site The Pirate Bay, they also closed down a number of sites that have nothing to do with music or film sharing, it has emerged.The Pirate Bay's servers were kept at the PRQ hosting company in Stockholm. But when police raided the company on Wednesday, they allegedly took all servers on the premises without checking who they belonged to.According to a message on PRQ's own homepage, "all servers and network eqipment was seized in an act of blatant abuse of power by public prosecutor Håkan Roswall."The company also said it planned to sue the Swedish state to get the equipment returned and "for the multi-million dollar losses sustained by us and our customers."One of the customers to be hit was Birdie, a gaming association which had some of its games hosted at PRQ."We can't really understand why it was necessary to take all the servers," said Birdie's Peter Olsson to The Local."We've talked to the police but it's impossible to get information out of them".Olsson said that he believed PRQ had borrowed more servers to try to help its customers.IT news website IDG named 9 sites that had been taken offline in addition to The Pirate Bay.Police spokesman Ulf Göranzon refused to say whether the other servers had been taken on purpose, and if so, why. Prosecutor Håkan Roswall also said he could not answer questions about the precise circumstances of the raid.When The Local called PRQ, a spokesman said he could not talk "as we are in a bit of a hurry - the new equipment has just arrived."Does this mean the websites will be up and running soon?"Yes, they should be".The Pirate Bay is suspected of breach of copyright law, alternatively assisting breach of copyright law.The Motion Picture Association of America said that the raid "served as a reminder to pirates all over the world that there are no safe harbours for Internet copyright thieves." - The Local
Web Hosting Site - Saved Page -
Sweden Police site crashes
after attack - Front page of
Aftonbladet -
The Swedish police's homepage crashed on Thursday evening, following a major attack. Police say they do not know whether the attack was revenge for the raid on file sharing site The Pirate Bay.The site, www.polisen.se crashed after receiving around half a million page requests a second. Police IT director Lars Lindahl told The Local that the problem was caused by a distributed denial of service attack. He said that investigators had not made a positive link to The Pirate Bay case."We don't know who is behind it or where they are based, but an investigation is underway."
4Law - Sweden (31/5/06)
Swedish Police Crackdown On
Illegal File Sharing - MPAA
Notice PDF
File Sharing Video Clip - Streaming-
Pirate Bay Notice - Saved Page -
Stockholm, Sweden (AHN) - Swedish police raid
10 locations and shut down a popular Web site suspected of illegal file
sharing. The Associated Press reports authorities detained three people,
aged 22, 24 and 28, who allegedly violated copyright laws in their dealings
with the site, The Pirate
Bay. Although they were not formally arrested, they detained were
questioned. The Motion Picture
Association of America lauded the crackdown, saying movie studios lost
$6.1 billion to piracy in 2005. Dan Glickman, the MPAA's chief executive,
"The actions today taken in Sweden serve as a reminder to pirates all over
the world that there are no safe harbors for Internet copyright thieves."
The first piracy conviction in Sweden was
handed down last year, when a man was fined $2,200 for using a file-sharing
Legal Action of 4Law v. Vimeo
Videos in NYC etc. Here
The Notice in The Original
Vimeo Page:Sorry, "Solar Sunrise: Dawn of a New Threat" was
deleted at Tue Sep 16 1:30:10 2008. Vimeo has removed or disabled access
to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by
Boaz Guttman claiming that this material is infringing: Solar Sunrise:
Dawn of a New Threat. We have no more information about it on our mainframe
or elsewhere.
About Vimeo
Total members as of Sep 2008
Avg. of videos uploaded daily
Major Cyber Crime Conference
in Brazil
Brasilia , Brasil 9/11/06 (4Law) - Policia Federal Conferência Internacional de Perícias em Crimes Cibernéticos - 700 Cyber Cops from around the globe took part in Brasilia 2006 November Cyber Crime Conference.
Background Presentation of Boaz Guttman Adv. November 7 , 2006
Boaz Guttman Advogado - Israel
BIO & ABSTRACT English & Spanish
Tendências na lei civil e criminal (PPT)
P2P - Trends in Civil & Criminal Law 7/11/06 - PPT
P2P - Tendências na lei civil e criminal PPT 7/11/06 - PPT - Alternativa
Para dez dos milhões dos usuários worldwide, lima-compartilhar através do Internet transformou-se uma maneira de vida. Lima-compartilhar faz exame de muitos formulários: em seu formulário ilegal, varia do uso por paedophiles ao infringement de copyright. Sobre o ano passado, o autor foi acoplado ativamente nos esforços combater a lima do par-à-par (P2P) que compartilha sobre o Internet. Em setembro 2005, a edição compartilhando do software alcançou as cortes Israeli, seguindo governar da corte suprema dos E.U. da terra arrendada de junho 2005 que a entidade que cría uma tecnologia permitindo usuários de compartilhar limas se enlata estivesse prendida responsável para o infringement de copyright. O exemplo de corte em Israel terminou em junho 2006, e no mesmo mês os plaintiffs alargaram sua atividade a Sweden. Em todos os três países, os plaintiffs são produtores na indústria de entertainment dos E.U. Os meios do enforcement aplicados em cada país - Sweden, os EUA e Israel - eram diferentes. Em Sweden, o sistema criminal foi usado. Os negócios do lecture com os testes padrões dos esforços aplicaram-se nas esferas criminal e civis de encontro aos operadores do software lima-compartilhando, as dificuldades em obter a prova, regulamentos existentes, as provas requereram no criminal e as áreas civis, os danos causaram aos terceiros partidos, e aos tipos de legislação. Uma demonstração é dada de como a colaboração internacional ajuda a plaintiffs lutar lima-compartilhar. Boaz Guttman representou o réu principal no caso Israeli.
Background of This Page thanks
to Claude Almansi
- Switzerland -
"P2P pirate hunting" not so efficient in Sweden and Israel: international relevance
- Global -
Hollywood to university: Crack down on file sharing
Hollywood film industry sends letter to Haifa University asking that tough legal action be taken against a student suspected of violating copyright laws
Hollywood media giant NBC Universal sent a
letter to the University of Haifa asking legal action be taken against
a student who used the university's internet network to download a film
whose copyrights it owns.
The letter includes IP details of the student
who downloaded a copy of Universal copyrighted film via a file-sharing
network. NBC Universal said it will not press charges against the university
for the time being, citing its belief that the University of Haifa will
take "appropriate action." The University sent a letter to the student
mentioned in the letter warning that his actions contravene Israeli and
international law."As can be seen in the attached complaint, an illegal
posting/delivery of material protect by copyrights of NBC Universal was
performed from your personal computer," the letter read. The student told
Ynet he will stop doing "what they claim I did in the letter I received."
The Motion Picture Association of America
(MPAA) has sent over 40,000
letters to hundreds of universities in the United States demanding action
be taken to prevent the circulation of copyrighted material through their
networks. In a bid to avoid legal action, some universities set up filters
to block entry to file-sharing networks for their internet users.
Ynet English Version - Israeli
Ynet Hebrew Version
- Spain -
- Germany -
Größter Schlag gegen den Illegalen Tausch von Musiktiteln im Internet
Größter Schlag gegen Tauschbörsen-Netzwerk
in Deutschland Verfahren gegen 3.500 eDonkey-Nutzer
Im Kampf gegen den illegalen Tausch von Musiktiteln
im Internet ist der Staatsanwaltschaft
in Köln nach eigenen Angaben der bisher größte
Schlag in Deutschland gelungen. Wie die Ermittler am Dienstag mitteilten,
gab es bundesweit 130 Hausdurchsuchungen. Dabei wurden 3500 Verdächtige
identifiziert, die jeweils bis zu 8000 Dateien über die Tauschbörse
eDonkey angeboten haben sollen. Gegen alle Beschuldigte wurde ein Ermittlungsverfahren
eingeleitet. Festnahmen gab es keine.
District Attorney in Köln Notice PDF
- France -
4Law - France Weighs Forcing iPods to Play Other Than iTunes
In the digital music market, France is singing a different tune. A bill under debate in the French Parliament may require iPods to be able to play music purchased from competing Internet services, not just Apple Computer's own iTunes Music Store, forcing changes in the business model that gave rise to the revolution in legal digital music downloads.
France Drafts Internet Copyright Law -Droits d'auteurs sur internet
France :Droit d'auteur - Dossiers - (17/3/06) Media : P1 - P2 - P3 - P4
Explications de vote et vote,
par scrutin public, sur l'ensemble du texte le mardi 21 mars après-midi
Lawmakers Legalize P2P File-Sharing 1 Streaming
Lawmakers Legalize P2P File-Sharing 2 Streaming
Le débat à l’Assemblée nationale - (22/12/05)
P2P : une étape vers la légalisation du téléchargement sur Internet ?
P2 - P3 - P4 - Media France: P5 - P6
Russia on Film Video Piracy in NYC / Save as or Open -
File Sharing New Law 20/9/06
Russia on The File Sharing Law / Save as or Open
Russia on Film Video Piracy in Moccow / Save as or Open
- Korea -
P2P Users - Wild File Sharing Disclosure
Seoul National Police Office,the cyber criminal investigation team acted against P2P site enterprise and against server operator , they booked & charged people. After making P2P sites in the Internet in 2003, they uploaded videos.The members put the money and ordered, from 3 hundred ten thousand people they received 69 hundred million won . Police investigation result & estimation .
- US -
Universal v. My Space - (Hebrew short & Media )
P2P Man to Jail - 2
- 3
MPAA Notice - & 4
eDonkey Announces $30M Settlement with RIAA and Shuts Down
4Law - The firm behind popular online
file-sharing software eDonkey has agreed to pay $30 million to avoid potential
copyright infringement lawsuits from the recording industry, according
to court documents filed in 12/9/06.New York-based MetaMachine Inc. was
one of seven technology firms to receive letters from the recording industry
last fall warning them to shut down or prepare to face lawsuits.Since then,
the operators of BearShare, i2Hub, WinMX, Grokster and Kazaa have reached
similar agreements.Under terms of the latest agreement, MetaMachine and
its top executives, agreed to immediately cease distributing eDonkey, eDonkey
2000, Overnet and other software versions.The company also agreed to take
measures to prevent file-sharing by people using previously downloaded
versions of the eDonkey software.The eDonkey Web site in 12/9/06 featured
a message from the company telling visitors that the eDonkey2000 Network
was no longer available, and a warning that people who steal music or movies
are breaking the law.The message concluded with "Goodbye Everyone."
Surrenders to Labels -
Surrenders to Labels -
27/6/05 Metro - Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. - PDF
- Israel - 5/3/08
The Pirate Bay Israeli Style 5/3/08
The Honorable Judge Gideon Ginat Deputy
of the President in Haifa District Court Oedered ISRAELI ISP`s to BLOCK
ACCESS in Israel to the Suspected Israeli File Sharing Site Called
25/08 Decision.
Haifa District Court -
Deputy Chief Justice GIDEON
The Lawsuit again by NMC Music
et al - The Same Companies in 2006 Case v. Avi Hirsh...
Music et al v. Avi Hirsh - Avi Hirsh Photo 2/6/06-
But now the Defendent are the HTTPSHARE.COM Site Operators Alone.
The Suspects Sent E-Mail
to inform that they are alive in 5/3/08.
The Primary Site
is Down.
The Alternative
Site is now alive in Brasil 5/3/08.
Banned from accessing the Internet except doing bussiness/Israeli new court decision 22/9/06
Israeli Cyber Crime Unit v. Moshe Halevy 22/9/06 - English PDF
Israeli Cyber Crime Unit v. Moshe Halevy 22/9/06 Hebrew PDF
Israeli New Draft of Bill to Ban File Sharing from 27/7/06 Translated to English - 11/10/06
Israeli New Draft of Bill to for Commerce Law from 8/12/05 Translated to English - 11/10/06
Israeli New Draft of Bill to Ban File Sharing from 27/7/05 - English PDF
Israeli New Draft of Bill to Ban File Sharing from 27/7/05 - Hebrew PDF
Electronic Commerce Law - 2005 8/12/05 - Bill Memo English PDF
Electronic Commerce Law - 2005 8/12/05 - Bill Memo Hebrew PDF
4Law 18/11/05 - Lawsuit follows the US Supreme Court's decision
Israel is emerging as a new hot spot as EMI, Sony BMG, Warner and Universal record label cartel continue their vicious and doomed-to-fail war against p2p and file sharing, as p2pnet reported last month,The RIAA and the MPAA are, “using Israel as a test ground for their next acts around the world” and “it seems that the situation here is of much interest to file sharers everywhere,” Nana Net-Life Magazine’s Nitzan Weidenfeld told. Singled out by the cartel were warezfaw.com, Lionetwork.net, lala.co.il and subs.co.il and now the Haifa District Court has ruled against p2p sites Shift, Lala, Lionetwork, and Subcenter, says the Jerusalem Post.
The Israeli Grokster Case
of Claim N.M.C. Music v. Avi Hirsh 11/9/05 Page 10 Sec. 22 -
US & Israel Films & Music Corp. v. Avi Hirsh
Defendent:Israelis - 4 & 2 ISP`s 1 Host. Plaintiff:Israeli 27 Corp. & 40 Corp. from US
Haifa District Court -
Deputy Chief Justice GIDEON
First Defendent Avi
Hirsh Lawyer - BOAZ
War Starts..." in the NMC Music et alLawyers Website -
"The War Starts..." with NMC Music et al Lawyers in the Media...
Statement of Claim NMC Music et al v. Avi Hirsh et al - Hebrew PDF
Statement of Defence Avi Hirsh v. NMC Music et al - Hebrew PDF
Court decision in NMC Music et al v. Shay Levari - Hebrew PDF
NMC Music et al v. Shay Levari - Shay Levari
His Site in
the Case Now
Lionetwork the biggest File Sharing Site in Israel till the Trial - Background.
In 1994 Avi Hirsh Refused to Provide
the Films & Music Corp. The Identity of Lionetwork Owner (Shay
Levari) Without Court Order.
The Revenge Came in the Suite - The Corp.
Presents him in the Suite - "Avi Hirsh is Lionetwork..." , In spite
in the end of September 2005 under the Court order he provided all
the relevant info...as the case started in Haifa District Court under the
Corp. Lawyers monitoring ...Because Avi Hirsh was the Host of the 4 websites
the revenge hit him as the First Defendent also when the Corp. Lawyers
already finshed with sites owners / other defendants , settled with the
plaintiffs, by which they paid tens of thousands NIS as damages ...in 2006...
Shay Levari calls for Donation & Help to
the File Sharing Visitors in Israel after Lionetwork was Shutdown in Israel
under Court Order and Avi Hirsh extradited him under the Order as the man
behind the site in the end of September 2005...
Levari Site in 22/9/05 in Canada Server after Shutdown in SPD
server - Saved Page
Shay Levari explain for the File Sharing Visitors in Israel in Lionetwork website how to use the File Sharing Tools in April 2004...
Levari Site in 19/4/04 in SPD.co.il Server - Saved Page
Statement of Defence Amir Tesler v. NMC Music et al - Hebrew PDF
Notice of Avi Hirsh Objects Media to Tap Record the Trial - Hebrew PDF
NMC Music et al Dropping the Case Against First Defendent Avi Hirsh Unconditionally 31/5/06
4Law 3/6/06 : Background
1.The War Starts by The Films & Music Corp. in Israel 21/9/05
p2p news / p2pnet:- Israel has become the newest
battle ground in the war between the entertainment cartels and p2p communities,
Nana Net-Life Magazine’s Nitzan Weidenfeld tells p2pnet.“ALIS, the Israeli
representative of the MPAA and RIAA, has taken a most aggressive approach
to fighting piracy,” he says.“Suing the most prominent P2P sites in Israel
for 110k$ each, even those sites who dealt with release reviews only (and
held no actual links to pirated material). Furthermore, ALIS has admitted
to ‘monitoring the P2P networks for month, gathering information’ in order
to ‘sue the sharers themselves’."Weidenfeld says it seems the RIAA and
the MPAA are “using Israel as a test ground for their next acts around
the world, it seems that the situation here is of much interest to file
sharers everywhere.“Four of the most popular file-trading websites were
shut down yesterday after the court agreed to the request of the record
companies and released a restraining order which ordered them to halt all
activity,” he told us. In an interview with Nana Net-Life, ALIS lawyer
Eran Presenti who, with Sarah Presenti works for the cartels, “explains
his world view and the arguments which convinced the court today to turn
him into the official eliminator of some of the most popular file-trading
websites in Israel”. And his observations include the hoary "it's like
drugs" line...."We've been working on the current suit since February,
four months prior to the verdict delivered by the US Supreme Court, so
it's not possible to say that the suit was filed in it's wake. However,
we did mention the decision of the US court in this case.While the Israeli
court is not committed to decisions made in the United States, a verdict
such as the one which was concluded in the Grokster case, especially when
it involves the US Supreme Court, can be an affecting element in the interpretation
of the Israeli courts, as in it's analysis. Among others, it was decided
in this case that sharing companies would be those held responsible for
the illegal actions of their users, in a case in which the main usage of
these services would be the illegal sharing of films and music.
2.The Victory of one young man in Israel aginst the Films & Music Corp. 11/6/06
The Israeli Union of Music Companies, which includes
27 companies, and the U.S. Union of Music Companies(Include ALIS, the Israeli
representative of the MPAA and RIAA), which includes 40 companies, have
removed their claim against defendant #1 Mr. Avi Hirsh, in the biggest
of its kind Internet file sharing lawsuit in Israel. The claim was made
in September 2005 at the Haifa District Court and was heard before his
honor Judge Gideon Ginat, vice president of the District Court. The plaintiffs,
represented in Israel by the Dr. Sarah Prezenti law firm, in cooperation
with defendant #1’s attorney, Boaz Gutman, requested the court to remove
his name from the prosecution.
Avi Hirsh had supplied a storage site for sites,
which were claimed to have broken the Internet file sharing regulations.
The site is www.spd.co.il The claim
was filed following the June 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, that file
sharing on the Internet was illegal. In the defense statement, filed by
defendant #1’s attorney, Boaz Gutman maintained that the claim against
his client had no basis in reality. The other defendants settled with the
plaintiffs, by which they paid tens of thousands NIS as damages.
The alleged sharing sites settled & hosted
in spd.co.il are: www.lionetwork.net
- Shay Levari ,
- Amir Tesler , www.shift.co.il -
Eli Segev , www.subcenter.co.il
- Tamir Ferminger.
The settled ISP`s , formal defendant , are: 012
Gold Lines , Internet Gold - Gold Lines
The removal of Avi Hirsh’s name from the claim
was confirmed by the court.
The motion filled in Haifa Court 31/5/06.
The motion confirmed detail - the Honorable
Judge Gideon Ginat Deputy of the President in Haifa District Court - Avi
Hirsh v. N.M.C. Music at el Civil Judgement 8193/06 date 8/6/06
Avi Hirsh Victory Files
Israeli Media on The Victory Hebrew 3/6/06
Music et al v. Avi Hirsh - Avi Hirsh Photo 2/6/06 -
Music et al v. Avi Hirsh - The Size of the File Image -
Music et al v. Avi Hirsh - The Court Diary of the Case Image -
Notice of Avi Hirsh Defence Lawyer & NMC Music et al - Hebrew PDF
Court Decision - Abatement of Claim against Avi Hirsh - Hebrew PDF
Decision - Abatement of Claim against Avi Hirsh - Hebrew DOC