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ZemeReshet Part 2

Poet Itzhak Katzenelson 1886 - 1944

Poet Itzhak Katzenelson  Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Itzhak Katzenelson "Ma Yafim HaLelot BeKnaan" `What nice nights in Knaan`  Singer Izhar Cohen Israel Independence Day 1988

Composer Yzhak Adel 1896 - 1973

Composer Yzhak Adel Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Composer Yzhak Adel "Galgalei HaOlam" 1932 Song - IDF Band & "Aviv" Choir 1988

Composer  Issahar Meron 1920

Composer Issahar Meron Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Composer Issahar Meron "Zena Zena" 1942 Song  - IDF Band & "Aviv" Choir 1988

Poet Lea Goldberg 1911 - 1970

Poet Lea Goldberg Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Lea Goldberg "Shir HaNamal" 1936 `The Port Song` - IDF Band & "Aviv" Choir 1988

 Poet Lea Goldberg Song "Slihot"  `Slihot Poem from  PRAYERS OF ATONEMENT`   by Singer Yehutid Ravitz


You came to me to open my eyes,/your body a glance a window a mirror,
you arrived as night comes to the owl/to show him in darkness all necessary things./And I learned: a name for every eyelash and nail
for every hair on flesh uncovered, made light,/and the fragrance of childhood, of resin and pine,/was the sweet fragrance of our bodies' night.
If there were torments – then they voyaged toward you/my white sail on course toward your dark night./Now, allow me to leave, let me go, let me go
to bow on the shores of forgiveness.

Composer Moshe Vilensky 1910 - 1997

Composer Moshe Vilensky Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Composer Moshe Vilensky & Poet Haim Hefer "Hablanim" `Saboteur Unit` - IDF Choir

 Composer Yehuda Sharet 1901 - 1979

Composer Yehuda Sharet Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Composer Yehuda Sharet & Poet Rachel Bluwstein  "Veulay" `And Maby` Singer  Esther Ofarim 2003

Poet Avigdor Hameiri  1890 - 1970

Poet Avigdor HaMeiri Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Avigdor HaMeiri & Composer Yoel Angel "Naalaim" `Shoes` - IDF Band & "Aviv" Choir 1988

Laureate of the Israel Prize for Children`s Literature 

The Poet Levin Kipnis, a prolific writer of children's literature,died in Tel Aviv 1990. He was 96 years old.
Mr. Kipnis, who was born in the Ukrainian city of Ushomir in 1894, arrived in Israel in 1913 and studied at the Bezalel School of Arts.
He later joined the staff of the Levinsky Teacher's Seminary in Tel Aviv.His collections in Hebrew encompass about 800 stories and 600 poems.
He also wrote children's books in Yiddish, publishing a collection in 1961.He was awarded the Israel Prize in 1978 
for ''devoting his life to the development of children's literature in Hebrew.''

Poet Levin Kipnis 1894 - 1990

Poet Levin Kipnis Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Levin Kipnis Talks About Songwriting -  Hebrew

Poet Levin Kipnis Song "Ura Israel..."  1917 `Weak Up Israel...` -  Hebrew Choir

Poet Levin Kipnis First Song 1919 "El Rosh HaHar"  `To The Top of The Mountain` - 3 Melodies to his first Song
First Composer  Avraham Zvi Idelson   Second Composer  Pua Grinshpan  Third Composer Hanina Karchevsky  -  Hebrew Choir

Poet Levin Kipnis "Mi Yivne Bait" `Who Will Build a House` - IDF Band & "Aviv" Choir & Actors 1988

Poet Nathan Yonatan  1923 - 2004

Poet Nathan Yonatan Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Nathan Yonatan Readis from His Songs 2003

Poet Nathan Yonathan  & Composer Tsvika Pik "Neasaf Tishrei" `Tishrey Collected` Singer Tsvika Pik 2003

Alternative Google Video Poet Nathan Yonathan  & Composer Tsvika Pik "Neasaf Tishrei" `Tishrey Collected` Singer Tsvika Pik 2003

Poet Nathan Yonathan "Shnay Alonim"  `Two Oaks` Singers The Brothers & The Sisters

Alternative Google Video Poet Nathan Yonathan "The Sisters & The Brothers" in "Shney Alonim" & "Al Anfey Shita" 

Poet  Zalman Shneour  1887 - 1959

Poet  Zalman Shneour  Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Zalman Shneour 1902 Song "Yad Anuga"  - Singer Greek Georgios Dalaras & Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in Hebrew 

 Alternative Google Video Dalars & Israel Philharmonic in Songs of Poet Zalman Shneour "Yad Anuga" & Poet Rachel Bluwstein Sela "Shay"

Composer Arie Levanon

Composer Arie Levanon  Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet Yehiel Mohar 1921 - 1969 & Composer Arie Levanon "Lipa HaEglon" `Lipa The Coachman`  by Singer Gery Ekstein

 Poet & Composer Matityahu Shelem 1904 - 1975 

Poet & Composer Matityahu Shelem  Hebrew Page in ZemeReshet Audio Records

Poet & Composer Matityahu Shelem "Shibolet BaSadeh" `Ear of grain in the field` Singer Uzi Meiri