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ZemeReshet Part 3
Laureate of the Israel Prize
for Music
Yedidia Admon (Gorohov) 1894
- 1982 Early Hebrew National Style
- Early 20th Century Among the founders
of Israeli Music in the early 20th century.Composed songs combined
Hasidic melodies as well as Arabic melodies. Composed Israeli /Hebrew
Holiday Songs such as "Shavuot" Holiday popular folk song "Saleinu al Ktefeinu"
`Our Baskets on our Shoulders`. Purim Holiday song "Shoshanat
Yaakov Zahala VeSameha" Passover and others.
Poet Natan Alterman &
Composer Daniel Sambursky Poet Natan Alterman
Composer Daniel Sambursky `Companies Melody` Hebrew "Zemer HaPlugot" Video 1938 by Fred Dunkel
- Inside Moshe Dayan on the Open Jeep & The Song by IDF Band
Orchestra & Choir Conductor Izhak "Ziko" Graziani DailyMotion
Poet Natan Alterman "Companies Melody" Hebrew "Zemer HaPlugot" & IDF